Saturday, October 2, 2021

Kaylin turns 30!! xoxo lots of pics

Today Kaylin turns 30!!! Where did the time go, it seems not long ago she was just a wee little blond toddler. She has however turned into a charming beautiful blond boss babe. Happy 30th to our gorgeous girl!!! You are loved XOXO Here is just a few of the photos from the blog over the last few years, enjoy!

Hunters were at it at 7 am but only a shot then nothing till 8. Time to get on with the day and make coffee and prep fruit and banana bread for breakfast. My back is feeling allot better, yeah! Deb finished up Sheldon's t-shirt while I put a couple clear coats on Steph's box top I totally forgot to do after we put the words on. Chuck and Shaina joined us not long after.

Teddy tells off Pepper who could really care less

Deb gave a most excited Harley the bone she got her

Chuck and Deb headed out the gates with their big unit just after 10:30 to make their way home, it was like Boxing Day to see them go after a fun filled action packed week :(

Reality sets in getting back to the computer to catch up on the week off. Luckily I had pre done a tutorial for the cherry blossom jewelry box so published it then did all the posting and emails etc. Sheldon did a poop loop while Shaina got all fancy for her birthday w/e celebration with Kaylin. She was off just before noon to meet the rest of the girls and head off to Banff.

Now on to the drudgery of housecleaning. S cleaned a cupboard in the garage after chatting with his parents. I started the mountain of laundry, tidied, watered the parched plants, and started the vacuuming. A late stop for leftover lunch after 1 then back to it. Britt dropped Cooper off before 2 as she was called into work; being on call was why she could not join the birthday celebration.

Our cleaning continued with S hosing off the outdoor rugs while pressure washer was still out from washing ATVs, then he moved on to the car. I continued laundry, vacuuming then floor washing. I finished last Sunday's post and started sorting photos to post and send to Deb and go thru her pics she left on an SD card. I totally forgot to post the lazy susan for sale so got it on Etsy.

Garage laundry was underway too and after a refreshment break S was back out to wash the truck. I fed Harley then worked on brushes I forgot with paint in them grrr. The day started sunny but brisk and became gloomy and yuck hovering around 18 but the sun did come out as S was washing and the back pasture the dark/light view I always love.

I chopped up fresh items for tacos and mixed one of the 2 big salad bags I totally forgot to make for last night for tonight's supper. It was yummy, gotta love tacos. Britt arrived around 7 as we were cleaning up to feed the horses, grab Cooper and head home after her call in day. I made a batch of pineapple kombucha, bottled it up and made a fresh batch. Once the dishes were all washed up and kitchen tidy I worked on the last of the laundry loads, caught up todays blog then hit the sheets while S soaked in the tub then off to sleep. I finished the 3rd season of a series I was watching then started a new series called Maid and watched a couple episodes.

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