Monday, October 25, 2021

Dressers head home

Groundhog morning with dog out/fed/coffee in bed. S went and let kitties out and tossed hay while I got the blog caught up. Ugly wind rolled in making for an yucky overcast day. Shaina was up to get coffee and porridge around 10 then back down to work. S searched for trailers while I kept on with the blog updates and photos. I made berry flavored kombucha during the noon news.

After lunch S went out to grade the road seeing it was still a bit damp. I wrote a Hometalk post for the milk glass vase. He stopped in after grading for a snack and helped me move the dressers out for pickup then was out to try and pull a couple snapped off posts before freeze up. I was back to computer including accounting and house chores. The dressers were prepped to go. 

videos of the dressers

The buyers arrived after 4, Sheldon popped over to help load them and visit before they were off at 5. He went and finished the last of the post repairs while I cooked up a yummy butter turkey supper. Shaina joined us to eat with enough left for Britt when she is done her horse stuff later. I cleaned up the kitchen while S had his dessert and went to put ranger and kitties away. Britt was feeding horses and doctoring Biebs foot before coming in to eat. She was off for home after eating while S relaxed on the couch. After computer work done we watched a couple good Explained episodes; Country Music and The End of Oil. Then we watched a couple Amazing Vacation Rentals.

Sheldon submitted this picture from a while back

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