Friday, October 22, 2021

55 years for Mom and Dad

I woke at 3:30 am hearing Harley whine but upon checking she was flat out on her bed dreaming it seems. She was then out before 7 and barking when Britt arrived to drop Cooper off after 7:30. 

They went to the garage till after I fed her early and sent them out. I made coffee and got on marketing earlier today. S got up after 9 to join in the coffee while organizing his bison kill in December. Eggs were delivered before S met a gal at the gate to sell his spare wheelbarrow tire. I worked on the pink piece finishing the gold lines and painting the knobs gold.

After lunch, S went and tossed hay to horses while I sourced a few wedding photos of Mom and Dad who celebrate 55 years today! Happy heart day! xoxo He was then off to put the lower wire along the north fence he rolled up in a bale this year after snapping it with the swather unnoticed.

Shaina was off to the gym after 3 as I was working on the headboard tutorial. I was finishing it up when S popped in for a beer break after 3:30. He helped me carry in the pink project before heading back out to work on the lower wire. He was finished and back in before 5 and soon sound asleep on the couch or should I say making sound asleep ;)

I chopped up a jar of fermented carrots seeing I was successful with sauerkraut while prepping supper. Shaina put the kitties away after eating then was off to the city. S was off to the TV room and I to the computer. Britt arrived to do her horse things which included trimming KD and Pepper, Dave arrived after 7 and he found an abscess in Biebs sore back foot. Britt soaked and poulticed it and Dave put shoes back on his front to be sure he did not get sore on them off weighting. They headed home at 8:30.

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