Monday, October 11, 2021

Holiday Monday

Today is holiday Monday but it feels like a Sunday. 6:30 was -1 and the day did not get much warmer. I made coffee and spent the morning working on the computer continuing to catch up the blog and try and hustle sales. I still have no takers for FREE shipping this week. Shaina was up after 10 grabbed coffee and toast and was off to do her check ins.

B was out before 12 but the food I made a bit earlier was not ready so she hung out with H trying to sneak up on her knee. She did brave the gross windy day and went to sit with the kitties and finally feed the 2 horses. She was then off for home to make my double chocolate muffins for Dave's birthday today. It is also Debby and Chuck's anniversary so lots of celebrations. I grated a zucchini and froze it up before mixing up a batch of magnesium spray. Have you heard of it? Very easy to make and use.

Shaina joined me for a late lunch of leftovers as well she made a side dish after 1 then she was off to the gym before 3 as a weird rain cloud was to the east. It never did rain here though. I kept working on the blog, laundry and tidying with The Coroner by my side. Shaina was back at 5 with a pumpkin tea/muffin (THANKS) and groceries then down to work. I started cooking supper, tonight is spicy maple pork . Harley enjoyed the pork myolids in her supper too. We ate at 6 and she was back to work.

I finished Coroner season 1 and started 2 while doing computer work then into bed. Shaina made popcorn at 10 as per usual Monday night delivering a bowl, thanks. Sheldon made it home at 11, ate a bowl of soup, jumped in the shower and off to dreamland.

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