Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mom comes for a sleepover

Well that was quite the night, as my podcast was nearing the end after 1 am I heard a thunk outside and Harley started barking. I went out in my nightie with her to find all the horses roaming around the garden. It was only 5 degrees so back in and thru garage for a coat and boots to hustle them out. There were a light sprinkling of rain ; only about 10 drops coming down. They balked at going thru the gate but eventually like herding burning cats I got them out and found the top strand snapped and bottom one stretched. This is the work of Pepper I guarantee. So in the dark with now the cats there to assist I managed to tie pieces together, let out some slack and jimmy rig it back together and turn on the electricity. The far barn paddock gate was shut then back in to bed where I was now wide awake after the brisk adventure. Harley barked again requiring me to go out with a flash light to double check if they had broke back thru but no. Podcasts were played till almost 3 only to have Harley want out at 6:30. I did mange to fall back asleep after putting her in the garage till almost 9:30. It had dropped to 1 overnight so the grass was pretty frosty, good thing I got the last garden things in.

my 2 dogs enjoying the morning sunshine

Once I got her fed and a chai tea made I got to my marketing. Bedding laundry was continued after I went to put clean sheets on spare bed and decided to haul the headboard in to stage. Flannel sheets were put on and the pillows and comforter washed too. 

Britt asked me to get Cooper so I decided I would go when the horses came in for water. They made their way around noon so I gathered the trash, loaded Harley and get a parcel to go in. I noticed they were making their way back so had to scramble to get gate turned off, opened and to the winter gate just seconds before Pepper. He was not impressed LOL.

In town the first stop was Walmart for cat food and a couple groceries, the favorite Opa wrap was grabbed for lunch then I waited in a super slow line up at Tim's. Cooper was picked up next, recycled containers for art classes dropped at the school then the trash dropped off before heading home looping to get the mail too. As I pulled in our gate a truck and horse trailer followed me thru, I stopped to find out the fellow thought he was at a riding arena he had a pin for LOL.

He looped around the island and on his way. I unloaded, ate my wrap as the dogs went off to play a bit. I continued the laundry process moving the headboard out after vacuuming. Paint parcels that arrived last week were opened.

I had another online MailChimp course at 3 and while listening I did a new Creative Moments email and sent out to my followers. Of course there were about 4 unsubs right away but I do only want people interested in my tutorials staying anyway. Time to head out and haul a couple loads of loose hay from the loft down, feed the cats and go open the far gate. The horses followed me back to find the hay. I filled a tub of water for Mom's horses then inside to make hamburger soup for supper. A gal had been messaging interested in the black dresser and is coming around supper time so double checked it in the trailer. I got Harley fed and the veggie scraps blended up and froze for her too.

The couple arrived for the dresser and in short order had it loaded up from the cargo trailer then the one gal and I went in where she bought the wicker basket as well. She also may have custom pieces for me too and interested in other pieces. She was such a kind and uplifting gal. So glad to have buyers like that. They were then off and not 5 minutes later Britt and Mom pulled in right behind each other at 6:30.

2 tuckered puppies, Cooper was still outside

We unloaded Mom's horses and carried the water tub over then B fed horses quick before dark. Inside we all enjoyed a bowl of hot soup and chatted about tomorrows vet appointment seeing B cannot get the day off to be there. 

Mom's horses feet were really needing a trim so after eating we went out, caught them again and headed to the barn where B and I trimmed them. Dave joined us bringing B a cold beverage and once finished up we all came in to visit in the warm house. The nights are sure cooling down fast. Amanda arrived as we were coming in and a great visit was had by all till the townies were off at 11. Mom was off to bed and I watched the Circle finale before lights out.

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