Friday, April 30, 2021

24 degree WINDY day!!

I heard Harley rustling around at 5:45 and thought I heard her scratch on door but it was just her paw as she was stretching but of course seeing me then she was up. I let her out and watched the sunrise then put her in the garage. I fell back asleep for about an hour then awake. I played a bit of cookie jam then fed H early and turned the water on the trees at 8. Good thing as the wind picked up later in the day.

S headed to town at 10 to load more sod, I shut off the water to the trees hoping they are soaked in for the hot day ahead. I called to chat with Mom and Dad while watering my plants and tidying up. Chatting with a friend always makes chores easier right?

Luna saw a chance she thought was to get in the house only to be foiled by the screen.

I finished up a few touches on my black desk tutorial and got it posted and started a couple others. S was back after dumping 3rd load of sod just before noon. We had lunch then S trouble shot a battery issue again in the dump trailer/truck. At 1 he was off to town to get a massage. I bottled 5 mango lime ginger kombucha bottles and made a new batch. Shaina popped up for a late lunch after 2 as I was booching. She then headed to town to the gym. The wind had picked up as forecast but a warm 24 wind.

best to store in a cooler in case they explode!

I worked on accounting including paying my taxes ;(. Sheldon was back after 3 for a big cup of water then out to dig the big tree hole a bit bigger. Shaina was back just in time for her 4 pm call. S made another trip back to town for what he hopes is last sod load at 4:30. As he pulled into the yard we both saw the poor tall tree that tipped before had tipped again; the stake line let go. He put it back up and came in from the hurricane. 

See the same poor tree tipping to the east in the background?

I made a delicious spinach and fruit salad to go with dry ribs for supper. We were just sitting down to eat when Shaina headed to the city after 6. Britt and Cooper were out after 7 to withstand the high winds and feed her horses then gone shortly after she put kitties away. THANKS. I jumped in the shower quick  and changed the sheets for that super fresh feeling. We enjoyed a tasty beverage while watching the sun set from inside. The wind finally settled around 10 thank goodness.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

First visit to the newly owned SugarMe!!

H slept in the garage again last night but I woke expecting her to want out. I did go let her out at 7:30 and got the water going on the trees again. I fed her breakfast then into make a cup of golden milk and play some cookie jam while prince slept in. Once he got up he made coffee and let the kitties out . He hooked up the big oscillating sprinkler to save me hauling the little one to each and we let it go for an hour.

He ran to town to skim off some sod and bring the tree spade home. We are going to try and move the HUGE willow tree. We both are not sure it will survive but will do our best. I bottled and prepped a new batch of water kefir; blueberry ginger this time. Then I taste tested my first kombucha batch; yummy!

Once back we grabbed a quick snack jumped in the car and headed to the city. S has a CT scan starting at 1:15. Dropping him off there I headed up to see Kaylin's new business. It is a a lovely spa like space. I got the full meal deal with all my sugaring needs followed by a lash and brow tint. She and I then ran to Starbucks to get an iced coffee and have a visit in the car before I dropped her back at work and retraced my drive back to downtown Calgary to pick up S.

this is one of the lovely rooms

Our next stop was Costco where we found some pretty planter plants, some clothes and of course groceries including chicken tacos for supper. We arrived back home just after 6 to find Shaina and Britt had pulled in minutes before us. Britt was submitting her application for her fancy new veterinary nurse title. While it downloaded we all ate the tacos then she went out to feed horses and work Roo in the round pen. Shaina was off to do work after eating too.

Sheldon was excited to have the night off seeing it was windy so postponed digging the last big tree. Even though the wind let up there was battle of Alberta hockey game to watch. The lilacs got a good soaking moving between periods. Britt said there are huge mosquitos out, dang it! First real sign of spring LOL She and Coop headed home after putting kitties away at 8:30.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

More trees go in

Cooper was dropped off to day care. Our mission today was to get more trees dug and brought home to plant. I went in with S after 9 to enjoy a coffee on the deck with Sharon while S dug 2 roses and 2 more spruce. It was a short visit as he had them out and loaded in short order and we were back at the ranch by 10:30. 

Here Sheldon is digging the spruce but see the willow behind him? That is one we are moving as well.

close up of tree damage on my white spruce

and a video of it

if you can ID what ails this tree, message me

the two rose bushes or should I say trees we planted in the island; front and back

We got them all planted with a couple staked and watering going on each. Lunch was left over steak and veggies and a cold beer, yummy! Part way thru the news S had a nap while I did the milk kefir early. Awake at one we headed back out to dig holes for 2 other trees we are now offered, one Stouts changed mind on keeping and a neighbors. Yikes the one spruce was tipped over in the wind! We staked them all on at least ne side and added more top soil to the 4 spruces and the 2 holes all ready to go. 

But not all staked and this is what happened after watering it and going in for lunch ;(

It much be dry when your tractor pops a wheelie trying to dig!

I continued cutting all the damaged ends off in between trees and stuffed a whole garbage bag

Since the tractor had the bucket on I had S lift me up to check the middle spruces top that was going brown. I cannot see any insect damage so trimmed off the competing leaders leaving one then back down to earth.

S headed back to town to get these 2 trees, gas and a jug of milk for me. I pruned the rose bushes I had watered in this am. The one sunk allot so will need to be lifted and more top soil added later. 

Once back we unloaded the 2 monster sized trees that had not much of a root ball. We got them in and staked. I pruned them as S got another top soil bucket. We were adding more stake lines to the trees when a fellow stopped to measure the decks for a quote on applying metal facia to the peeling stain. While S finished staking I ran in to feed dogs and soak horse feed quick.

Can anyone ID this tree? My plant ID app says a black hawthorn??

This one below I think is a fruit tree, it is ginormous! I checked with my plant id app and it says a pear so I was right... maybe.

Here is our new little forest. We need one more spruce tree for the grouping. Craig has a little one he is looking to rehome but it might go in another spot and a bigger one added here.

Britt arrived with Tims cold brew for us both for dog daycare fees, perfect for the warm but windy 18 degree day. She was off to feed horses and give Roo a special brush as it is her 4th birthday! S and I lifted the sinking rose, moved a bit north and filled the are with top soil to level.

S knee was done for the day so in we came. I made goulash for supper. B and Coop headed home to finish her vet tech specialty in equine veterinary nursing. We had a cold beer with oyster appetizer then eating late again. I had been moving the water on the two new trees but shut off after I went and put kitties away after 8. Time to soak in a hot tub. S was watching hockey but he jumped in to soak his knee at intermission then back to watch while I caught up the blog. Another busy tree planting day here at the ranch but if they live they will add allot more green to the ranch.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A couple spruce trees and some lilacs planted at the ranch

I was feeding H and had set out a venison find it search when S got up to make coffee. Shaina was up not long after and off to the gym. By up I mean upstairs as today she was making cappuccino at 6:45 for her 7 and 8 am meetings and back for another cappuccino before 9.

Shaina was back at 11 with Tims treats as were were loading in the truck to head over to a neighbors. They too are moving to town and had some furniture to give me. The stop took almost an hour as they like to visit but we were back home, got them unloaded in the garage in time for the news. S made scrambled eggs for us then had a sleepy Tuesday nap.

I love the apron detailing and the huge screw in legs on the dining table however the leaves are missing and it does not close together lol but it did come with a $350 retail piece of glass custom fit for it

This sideboard? has me a bit perplexed as the marble and the blue shiny tiles dont seem to fit. I want to turf the marble but maybe is I paint it a warm white and change out those tiles on the back??

Sheldon was off to town to dig his first professional move tree at 2. Shaina and I worked on her taxes then she was off to have a shower and I did a water kefir batch. Back to my favorite ginger lime flavor.

first tree out

Sheldon was back before 4 with the tree. It was a scramble to fill the deep holes we dug with the top soil as the tree basically was bare root with it being so dry. 

We got it planted, temporarily staked and watering it in while he was off to get another one after 4:30. Shaina left heading to Banff for the week after 4.

first one planted!

Sharon took this video of SLiK Services in action

I did the milk kefir change then fed Harley and S was back with 4 trees in shortly after. I went out and he and I got the HUGE spruce in then moved to the 3 lilacs which we had holes dug on the north side. 

HUGE one planted

I pruned the lilacs as we went, he ran to the pit for more top soil and by 7 we had them all in slowly watering them in as we went. 

I noticed on the way to the house that the new huge tree had curling reddish brown ends with a bit of white fuzzy. My instinct was to cut and burn but only did a handful and tossed in firepit. This is not good; of course I posted a photo to gardening groups only to have 20 different opinions . 

Inside I got veggies chopped and in the oven to roast. S seasoned the steak and got the barbeque hot. I took a quick shower then he did before we enjoyed a yummy late supper. Time to get the kitties put away while he ran the hose over to the lilacs to water them.

our two dogs :)

Monday, April 26, 2021

It's a full moon

Usual start to the day with sunshine. It started out brisk with a layer of frost all over when H first went out and remaining after breakfast but the day warmed as it went. It hit a high of 14!

I wrote a tutorial for the pink jewelry box on Hometalk. The large dresser was calling. I moved my 2 planters out into the sunshine before getting it all wiped down. I wanted to stain the top and drawer fronts I put all the sanding work into and thought a navy base. Which one? Well the weathered gray was chosen and applied. I finished up around 1:30 when Shaina was cooking her breakfast sandwich lunch. I heated up a bowl of frozen turkey soup and decided no navy. I am not a two tone fan.

This cute little table was given to me by Kaylin's old boss. They brought it out last Friday. The edges fold down.

Working on computer stuff I had a gal email. She featured my beachy vases on a round post she did and wanted to share. I am about 3/4 of the way down. It is nice to have these surprise acknowledgments :)

Shaina headed to the gym after 3 taking my stack of parcels to the post office too, THANK YOU!! I wrote a tutorial for FoodTalk on my Kombucha. This is my first one but hope it adds to my passive income. I started one for my own blog too. Taking a break I went and checked the stain then added primer to the exposed areas. Not sure I am loving it but will paint the edges and see. 

Sun really does a number on wood. The original handles had left a sun mark and even after sanding down and staining they still show, dam.

Shaina was back home as I was doing the milk kefir changeout. I fed Harley quick then we took her and the cats for a walk. Back at the house I cooked the last Hello Fresh meal; Chinese beef tacos for supper.. it gets a two thumbs down for quite a few reasons. B arrived as I was plating up. She had ate so went and fed horses and headed back to town in short order.

Shaina was back down to check-in day after eating, I cleaned up then hauled the planters back in. While out I put the kitties away then back in to keep plodding away at tutorials and blog. I did finish last Circle episode available. I headed to the bedroom before 10 to scrub face and crawl into bed with my iPad and a golden milk. Prince arrived home just after 10:30, made some toast, showered and off to sleep.

full moon was pretty