Sunday, February 21, 2021

Warmer but overcast and WINDY!!

Another restless sleep night and awake at 7. Harley came and laid on floor by bed and when I went to feed her later she hardly ate anything and came in to nap again. Her long play day yesterday has tuckered her right out. The chinook winds were blowing and the day overcast and gloomy.  I made coffee, served the sleeping prince in bed and worked on a bit of marketing before heading to the garage. The dresser corner was sanded and ready to paint. Prince came and helped me drill the holes to attach a piece of wood to fill the area where the mirror harp used to be.

all fixed

The drawer front and edge was painted black then everything got a second coat. While it dried the drawers were lined with black and white floral contact paper. S went out to let out cats and fix holes in the hay nets as he does not want to use so might as well sell. He was in for more coffee and a rest around 11. I hemp oiled the dresser while washing my coveralls.

After a warm up rest while I unloaded dishwasher S went back to net repair and I to garage cleaning more projects to paint and mixing new milk paint color.

trying milk paint on wicker with a new color

B and Cooper were out at 12:30 just as we were loading up to run to town to pick up the dressers. She caught Pepper and KD and started trimming. We made the trip in loaded the dressers, grabbed a tea and back home in short order. It is now PLUS 4 but so windy and overcast, glad we had our fun wiener roast yesterday.

this is the big dresser (customer photo), along with a tall one and nightstand

S and I unloaded the dressers into the garage then he headed inside. I changed into coveralls and went to help trim horses. We got all 5 trimmed up and I came back to milk paint the basket heating up my tea to enjoy while doing so. S had come out as we were finishing up to unload his trucks backset then put the new battery in the quad. B finished up feeding the ponies then she and Cooper were off for home at 4.

S jimmy rigged a couple road markers to take 2 broken ones and make one complete one. I tried my new ambassador paint on a chair; def not a fav color of mine but it should appeal to someone. After the first coat was on I came inside to prep supper. Loads of roasted veggies to go with the steelhead trout. Once all was in the oven I had to get evening marketing done quick. I had a message I won another Instagram giveaway :) but then they asked for $25 shipping which I did not read when entering so I passed on the win.

Supper was so yummy. S hit the couch with a hockey game while I went out and painted a second coat on the chair. I actually dont mind this color. Back inside I soaked in a tub as back sore from hauling, painting and trimming. S jumped in to soak after his game ended. I watched more Sneaky Pete while S perused the net and chatted on the phone. I was excited to get an Etsy sale for my nightstand! But now how to mail it to Edmonton? Tomorrow :)

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