Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Brr... not the plus 8 they forecast

I was awake before H but she always seems to sense when I do so not long later came to the bedroom door. I let her out and tuckered her back in kennel for a bit then fed her. She was finishing up when Britt drove in with Cooper for another day care day. She brought me a hot chai tea for my services, THANKS! Both went out for a bit after she was safely down the drive (Cooper follows if to close). Today was supposed to be warm like yesterday but so far it is brr at -10. They weren't out long then back in for a rest. S got his coffee going. I had a cappuccino after Shaina was up to make hers before 10.

Time to set up the new printer. It is nice to have one back in service even though we don't print often. It was able to set up wireless. Putting back in the office required vacuuming and tidying which is always good. 

I had to put the kids coats on for their recess break

S loaded the stool and delivered it to the buyer after his 1 o clock massage. He also brought home tea and a muffin for himself and his 2 roomies. While he was gone I decided to go a different route on first 3 vases. I used the texture and added a few colors then bronze and patina spray.

I tried the spray again on these two

The day never got much warmer with a wind. The cats stayed inside and I did not take the dogs for a walk. They did go out for short briefs and enjoyed an afternoon snack while we ate our muffins and teas. I cooked up some chili for supper. S and I ate early after 5 having a very lean day of food so far. B was out before 6 and grabbed a bowl as Shaina took her supper break from 6-6:30 in her busy day. She was back down to work, B and Cooper headed home and S was off to TV room for his rodeo meeting all by 6:30. I grabbed my iPad watching Younger while blogging. 

Sheldon popped up at 8 for an ice cream bar then back down to finish his hockey game but back up at 8:30 to watch a show with me. Shaina packed up and headed to Banff for the next 5 days or so. We started Treadstone but it is not a show I am interested in, S can continue it up his plane rides and up north. He actually has read some of the Jason Bourne books. Jack Ryan was next but S started to fall asleep before first episode done so shut off. I watched more Younger before calling it a night. There was slight snow off and on all day but when I let H out for a pee before 11 it was now starting to come down. And the day never got warm or even close like they forecast ;(

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