Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Soooo cold horses got blankets

Dam it is cold, -30 yet again and -33 thru the night, poor horses! H wanted out just after 6 which I obliged as it was business done just off sidewalk and back to kennel and bed. She did want to eat then after 7 which was fine too seeing Cooper was coming for his day care day. She visited with the kitties (who are really wanting to roam the shop I think going a bit stir crazy like H) then in to wait for her buddy.

B dropped him off with a tea (daycare fee supposed to include a muffin too) and off to work. I let them out for a blast around after a bit but it was short lived with the freezing temps. I worked on marketing before my 10:30 webinar. It was ok but nothing earth shattering LOL I bundled up; dogs as well and we went out to give the horses oats. I also put the elbow cap back on the intake tube and it was partially closed, yikes. The horses were most excited about the oats. It is blustery cold but full sun.

should I add silver to these vases?

Back inside I finished the coleslaw for lunch but after hearing the crazy temps that may hit tonight -36 that feels like -48 I decided to blanket the horses. H and I headed back out to do this but first rope was put across the machinery at the end of the shop, get out all the blankets from the storage box and a bale was hauled to the blue tub. I am going to leave the big door open so they have run in shelter away from the bitter wind that is blowing today. Then it was on to putting on everyone's blankets. However they were so excited to be inside where they could run and buck and fart and roll it took 15 minutes for them to settle. Except Pepper who I had blanketed outside and used as the lead horse to get them to the arena. He was happy to eat. Once everyone had their coats on, the barn door secured with bungees and the feed stall locked up H and I went back to the house. Poor H had frozen feet (needs boots to match her warm coat I guess) as this took almost an hour when I thought maybe 15. She was happy to curl up in her kennel once back.

watch the sandstorm action!

My paint ordered was delivered at lunch and as I unboxed it I found it all frozen solid ;( Time to get back to computer task while watching Younger on my iPad. I took the dogs out for a quick walk before 4 to check on the horses who were back out in the paddock. I pulled the elbow off the vent to seeing it was getting crystals and I dont want to run out of heat again even if the thought of mice might be worse.

Harley was weighed yesterday, 97 pounds. She may be beefing up due to lack of exercise like us all :) I was finishing left over roast beef when B stopped at 5:45 to pick up Cooper. She scooped Coop poop (I had let him out at her request to have that done), adjusted Roo's blanket straps that had come undone too and was off for home for a class webinar.

My evening was marketing with my iPad finishing season 5 of Younger. I moved to my bed and decided to catch up on some PVR shows. Call the Midwife from last year were started. Shaina and Lexi; who is staying for a while because Kaylin's building is threatening to call AHS for Devon taking the dogs out while she is quarantined even though he tested negative, arrived at 8. Poor Lexi's right eye has really gotten worse for blindness. We had a catch up then she and Lex were off to her room and me back to the Midwives. 

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