Wednesday, February 3, 2021

SNOW when we woke

Another day underway after 7. H ate then braved the piles of snow that accumulated overnight. There was lots, most snow this year. She was back in in short order. I relaxed playing cookie jam for a bit then thought I would make coffee for the sleeping prince before 9 however once I poured in a pot of water I found he had prepped it last night and all the water ran everywhere, ooops.

what a difference a day makes heh?

S got up to have a coffee with me then took H out to let cats out and shovel front steps. I wrote a tutorial for the cement vases and got posted and sent to sponsors.

We had more homemade borscht for lunch compliments of Mom K, thank you! I had an online presentation at noon. After the news S headed out to plow the roads but found he could not get a hydraulic fitting to work so ran to town. I was working on the vases not happy with yesterdays patina and all getting repainted. The 2 first coat pair were attempted a second layer  to which I added white and green to the mix once I found a new sprayer and still did not work so I used my fingers like last time.

The other 3 were repainted and once dry I waxed the flower vase with the green wax and all was going well till this area of paint chipped off! Luckily I have the mix to fix and left to dry.

S was back to try his part and no luck having to call the dealer guy to come out. We had a drink in the garage at 3 while he waited. The rep was here at 4 and had it hooked up and gone by 4:30. Seems it was frozen and the town part not needed. S got underway plowing the road as I took H out for a walk. At the horses I found them eating thru the compost S ran down earlier, yuck. Once he finished plowing he rolled the rest of the bale that got their attention.

Back at the house I gave H a find some deer pieces in the fluffy snow and attempted to put kitties away only to find the shop door open for the skid steer. Inside I saw I had an Etsy sale for some tin tiles. The fellow ordered 4 and there are only 3 so emailed to confirm ok to just send them and refund 1.

S was in at 5:30 for our chili leftover supper. B and Cooper were out around 6 for half hour then off putting the kitties away when she went yet again, thanks B. I hauled up and tagged stuff to take to the candy store in town to swap out for the tin tiles on display there and get the box and label done up for the Etsy sale.

Our roomie hanging out watching movies too

Five Jack Ryan episodes followed for our evening entertainment. It did pick up and get better. We shut it down after midnight.

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