Monday, February 8, 2021

Even colder!!

 -27 this am, BRRRR!!! And a headache to boot, booo! I let out H and fed her and left her to chill with the cats for a bit. I hit the coffee pot on way back to bed. After 1 coffee I got on to marketing while S chose to stay in the warm bed. The puzzle was added too and finished by lunch. I watered plants and vacuumed the main floor including rugs and the couch to reduce the dog hair influx. Feeling crappy does not work for me to sit still.

Seems we forgot to close the flue.. look how cold the fireplace was inside the house today.

After the news and a bite to eat (S hot beef sandwich, me a piece of toast) we ventured out into the cold but sunny day. Poor H was stir crazy today with ants in her pants so was most happy to get out. S had plugged his car in so started it to be sure it would run while I grabbed more cat food and the poop scooper from the mez. We took a quick walk down the road then back inside where it was warm. S tossed a bale and pulled car to the house.

S rested then packed up his backpack. He headed out before 3 dropping my glasses off to be changed to the new lenses and grabbed a prescription in town before heading to the airport. The headache pill started to work and I was feeling better so worked on the vase tutorial. I enjoyed beef leftovers after 5 for supper. It is so nice the days are getting longer.

With my iPad and Younger I wrote a tutorial on Hometalk for the faux cement vases. Britt and Coop stopped out after 6 for his poop. I put H coat on to go for a play but she was not a fan of the cold, came back in and they went home. I finished up sharing the new tutorials and posts on line and sent to sponsors then headed to bed to watch Younger. I finished season 3 and started 4. It is a fun light hearted show with 20 minutes episodes.

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