Sunday, February 28, 2021

Beauty Sunday Plus 6

Even though I woke at the usual 7:05 I drifted off and on till Harley came to roust me before 8. This might be a Sunday treat she gives me. :) She went out and around back. I tossed deer into the snow for her breakfast which she enjoyed searching and eating. Inside she rested in her kennel while I got marketing underway. It is scroll stopper Sunday after all. I was enjoying my second cappuccino when Britt and Cooper pulled in just after 9!

I put Harley's coat on and she went out to play with Coop while B fed the horses. They were off in just over half hour heading to the mountains on her day off. Shaina was up soon after making her cappuccino and getting to work on her computer. She was working on a blog post for her website, have you subscribed?

The nightstand was sanded more then  painted a coat of primer/stain blocker and left to dry. We had chili for lunch. They day was warming up from the -7 it started out to a beautiful PLUS 6. I painted a coat of light grey on the nightstand then headed out for a walk with Shaina, Harley and the cats. It was challenge trudging thru the deep snow in places but of so nice out so worth it.

kitties crossing the vast tundra video

Back to the nightstand a second color was added; white and blended in. Shaina was off to the gym with special permission just before 4. While the paint dried I did some computer work then back out to sand, distress and clear coat. This was finished up around 6:30 and seeing it was getting dark and Shaina not home yet I went out and filled water, gave soft and kibble food to cats and put away for the night.

Inside I started prepping veggies to roast with salmon burgers and was just putting them in when Shaina arrived home after 7. We did not eat until almost 8, very late for sure but was good. I worked on the blog and her on her computer till 9 when we both headed off; me to prep for bedtime and her to soak in the tub. Tonight's viewing entertainment was orchid care followed by The Wonder of Dogs and partially thru Ice Dogs before shutting off at 1 am. 

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