Friday, February 26, 2021

Raw dog food diet??

The darn coyote was back howling in the yard waking me but not H just after midnight. I got up and tried to spy his exact location out windows but no luck. Back to bed. When we awoke after 7 it was -4 and looking like a not bad day. We did our usual morning routine including letting cats out after 9 but soon the weather changed and the clouds covered over, the wind started and temps dropped. I wrote ads for Etsy items and posted the latest tutorial I had finished yesterday for the olive chair. It then had to be sent to sponsors and posted on sites.

While posting on link up parties I found I had a few features but the best was the work bench on a well known upcycler's website. This shelf shown below and the pink jewelry box were the items posted on Etsy.

Two kitties had retreated to the barn to get out of the blustery winds but Luna sat outside window crying so I took her back and locked them inside with fresh food and water at noon. A tuna sandwich quick before I read an email a parcel was delivered.. must be at the gate as not here so I drove down to find it indeed tied to the gate in full sight. Gee thanks FedEx. Here are 2 new brushes sent, thanks DB.

Back at the house I headed to the garage to scrub a nightstand and dresser drawers. It is a hard work job but necessary. I then filled the nightstand gouges, cat scratches and such with wood filler while supervised by H.

I think these were packing straps the family left on for all these years! I pried it off for a more stable base.

These are my fancy new rubber gloves and the supervisor checking in on me.

Fresh guacamole and chips with a beer were my reward after 3 while watching a show called Pet Fooled. Earlier I had saw a post from a dog trainer saying not to mix kibble and raw so I had asked about raw bones and the deer which led me to researching the raw food diet for dogs and this show was suggested. It is definitely an eye opener to the down side of kibble. But like all things there are always sides to both each with pros and cons so the research was on.

B and Cooper were out for their usual round after 6, B gave horses oats and put Bird's blanket on as blustery -9 out then they were off. I did not eat my leftovers veggies and chicken till after 7 while still researching the huge raw diet topic.

The snow was lightly coming down when I headed to bed after adding another wood filler layer on the nightstand before 10 with the temp now at -11. I watched Street Dogs, cute but also lots of sad parts.

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