Thursday, February 4, 2021

High of zero then more snow

Brr -14 again to start the day. S fed and let H out on his way to turn on coffee pot. A cup in bed then time to get on with the day. B dropped off Cooper and a hot chai tea for me, thanks B. Once she was at the gate the dogs were let out to play for a short bit. Craig needed some info including taxes. I found that I had totally forgot to pay my taxes!! Good thing they were under $300! 

Before we ran to town I clear coated the 3 vases I finished yesterday. I loaded up stuff for town and we headed in after 11. A quick swap out at the candy store replacing the tiles with a magazine rack and the new cement vases. I was given some yummy samples of salted chocolate to try, thank you.

left with salted chocolate samples, thank you Sweetsmith!

Back in the car I added the tiles to the box and taped it closed ready for the voyage to Nebraska. There was a lineup at the post office but heard the drug store post office had no line. S dropped me there for a quick in and out then we delivered the kids table to the doorstep of the buyer.

The last intown stop was to pick up lunch at Opa! The mail which was basically just the Echo was picked up heading south. Once in the yard the temperature was now -5 so I took of Bird's blanket as we passed them eating hay. Then back to the house to eat our yummy lunch with a cold beer on the side. The pups went out to play in the nice weather. Our town trip took less then an hour being well planned :)

After the news S had a wee nap while I did some computer work and tried. When awake the cats were let out and we went for a walk with them and the dogs as now -2 and moving up to ZERO. Beauty day for sure. Back at the house I gave the dogs search and find for deer meat in the fluffy snow while S went to shop to check on truck battery being charged. He then rolled out a bale while I did finishing touches on the 3 vases; one got another clear coat and 3 copper wax. The 2 saltwashed ones had white added in a drip technique and left to dry.

Stella and her herd

watch how it goes on this action video

I brought them in to stage at 4 when S came in too. The weather was changing, temps were going back down and a snow front moved in. Then the snow started off and on for the night. Just when we planned our steak barbeque. We did get it in though as true Canadians. B was out to pick up Cooper and eat the rest of the chili before heading home.

S hit the tub watching his Flames while I caught up the blog and some marketing then we finished season 1 of Jack Ryan and started season 2. S got dopey by 10 so off to sleep leaving me to watch YouTube paint videos. I let H out one last time after 11 then we both drifted off to sleep.

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