Friday, February 19, 2021


Har was patient today waking before 7 but I did not let out and feed till after 7 with the temp at -7. I quietly worked on marketing then turned coffee on after 8 waking the sleeping prince. After a couple cups he headed out to let out cats and play ball with H before we gave her a bath in the garage. I called Dad to wish him a happy birthday!

Time to get to work on the dresser I scrubbed up yesterday. The drawers were nailed in place and I tried to heat gun the sticky gunk out with little success. S was recruited to help me fix a missing corner only to find his router not working. I decided to remove the mirror harp completely as it was screwed on with a gross old boards and about 39 screws. 

thought of trying this product first on this missing corner

look at this hack repair.. the thick plywood is smelling and moldy screwed on with 100 screws and the L brackets are mis matched.. yuck

off they came thanks to a power drill, hand screw driver and a pair of pliers

After lunch S got the router working and cut the corner. I glued the wood piece in and clamped to leave dry. The rest was hand sanded. The garage was swept and stuff moved around to make room for a couple dressers I am picking up Sunday.

this was the result of his idea

I had this demo stain swatch that worked well, I rounded it to fit then glued it in place and clamped

as well as gluing a lifting edge and clamped it

Sheldon took these pics

Harley was loaded and we headed to town for a potential rental property viewing at 3. The duplex turned out to be over priced and in need of work. We did a drive by of a couple others then scored a chai tea and muffin ( a couple Tim bits for H) then home. It was now plus 2 but as we drove S remembered we totally forgot to drop off the recyclables LOL, looks like a trip back to town tomorrow.

S hit the couch for a nap, H in her kennel to nap while I spent half an hour on the phone with Bell as my new phone plan was not correct. I was then off to work on the dresser. Once awake, S cut a back board for my dresser after taking off the harp. I scrubbed the dresser once again as the areas where the backing was removed was gross as was the dresser still. S took down the paddock Christmas lights.

More wood filler added to the top. B and Coop stopped around 6:30 for about half hour. Supper was yummy salmon burger with a fresh avocado/tomato salad and the leftover roasted veggies served late. S had kuga I had brought in made by Ma K then was off to TV room for hockey game. I got my iPad and Sneaky Pete and wrote todays blog.

I had an Etsy sale for the coffee mug holder. I will bundle it up tomorrow, tonight I am off to bed to watch more Sneaky Pete finishing season 1 while S was off watching his Flames in Battle of Alberta. I knew they lost when he came to bed dejected and went to sleep.

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