Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

Up and at it early again. The Etsy jewelry box is in limbo but another fellow was enquiring about the black end tables hoping to meet in Calgary. I said we were heading in today but after multiple emails today does not work. We had our usual coffee/cappuccino and toast and were off to the city by 10:30.

I had a check at the dentist at 11:30 which literally took 2 minutes. When I came out it started to snow in the city and did so all the way to the NW. We stopped and got Tim's and A&W for us and the girls for lunch finally arriving at their place around 12:30. Kyle was there briefly then off as we ate and visited. Kaylin kindly did my sugaring while S&S visited then she was off for an ortho consult.

Once all finished up we said our goodbyes and hit the road about 2:45 on the way to the movie Joker. I found one starting at their ever so close Crowfoot Crossing at 3:35. We pretty much had the theater to ourselves and they had new super comfy reclining chairs. We used a movie pass gift from Ma & Pa K that included popcorn and a drink , THANK YOU!! The movie was good as well.

It was now 6 pm. As we were heading out to the main road we decided to call Cole's and see if they were home seeing we were so close. A quick trick or treat drink stop turned into over 4 hour visit but loaded with laughs and lots of catching up. Armed with a couple full sized bars as our Halloween treat we headed for home arriving back at 11:30. Lola was fed and S off to sleep while I watched a new Explained episode before shutting out the lights.

Happy Halloween all!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sunrise Sunset

I was awake multiple times in the night with my back acting up and decided to get up at 7:30. I was stoked because I had an Etsy sale but it turned out it was a person from Canada hoping for the free shipping that ended yesterday ;( I also had a text from Britt asking if I could mail a parcel for Dave, what!! Again yesterday it would have been FREE! Being up early had the sunrise benefit again though ;)

S was up around 8:30 to make his coffee, I tried one then opted for 2 more cappuccinos. Shaina was up at 9 to eat and gather food for her training day. A lady had enquired about a chalkboard that she took along for pickup from her house later today as well. THANKS Dude xoxo. She was off at 9:30.

I worked on blog posts and tutorials; one for the blue magazine rack and marketing while S went over insurance for the year then he cozied up in big brown and had his morning nap. I had entered a giveaway for a breast cancer awareness transfer and won, now I have to think of a project to use it on.

I woke S to join me for the noon news and lunch. He did and was right back in big brown and snoring by 1. He did have a night at the plant they had troubles requiring him to be on site at 1:30 am that has messed with his sleep schedule. He did wake before I was off to town after 2 for my x-ray appointment. I cut apples for him to dose the horses and was off.

First stop for me was to stop at UFA and get proper salt for the horses as the selenium laced one we got was not for horses. They got me the right blue kind and gave cash back for the wrong one and apologized. Pretty cool of them I thought. Next I stopped at Rona to stock up on some glazier points, D rings, proper gorilla glue (S bought flexible glue for fabric which was off on a candle holder to have a moving piece) and wood plugs. It was then off to the hospital for the x-rays. I was early for my 3:15 appointment but did not get in & out till almost 4!! Then I stopped quick to let Cooper out to pee and pick up a parcel Dave Kelly racing asked me to mail. 

On the way home I scooped the mail and was back home before 4:30. S pulled into the pit behind me dumping a load of poop he had gotten at Stouts which D had loaded over the week then he loaded a few more loads for them too and dumped. I unloaded the salt and got out the shop vac to clean up the salt that had spilled from the other bag I did not secure so well on route in to town. I cleaned out the salt tub in the shelter of the selenium variety and filled with the blue.

Then it was on to filling out the postage info and printing a label for the parcel and onto making supper. S was back and started the barbeque seeing today will be the warmest day of the week having hit 8. I roasted beets from the Paetz garden - THANK YOU!! along with potatoes and carrots to go with the steak. What a yummy meal with a fabulous sunset! 

As I washed up the pots S adjusted the sticky front door then hit the TV room for the last ball game of the series and I the computer to catch up on today's blog then a soak in the tub and bed time with Netflix.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

B furnace blows cold air

It was -16 this am!! S made his coffee strong today so I opted for my usual cappuccinos. I showered up and did a bit of marketing while S relaxed before we headed for town before 10:30. It seems Britt's furnace was only blowing cold air so he went to trouble shoot it while I went to my chiropractor appointment.

He was back to pick me up before noon then back to her house. It seems that the thermal coupler needs replacing having gotten down to 13 degrees in the house. And with the freezing day out this was a need fixed. He hung the light we had painted up awhile back then ran to get the new coupler and install it. Once it was all working we headed home after 1:30.

Shaina was showering for her training day, ate and was on her way around 2:30. S plopped into big brown as soon as we got home and was sound asleep till I rousted him to eat at 3:30!!I had him help me carry in my coffee table to stage and he was back in big brown, it is Tuesday after all ;)

I prepped the hutch by moving to the door, removing and bundling up the glass shelves and timing up the light cord.

I was starting to cook supper at 5:30 seeing the hutch would be picked up around 7 owever they messaged they were doe early and on their way in about half an hour. I slowed the salmon down and started the rice jut before they arrived. Britt and Dave arrived after 6, hooked up the trailer then I loaded in the red items to go and be picked up at their rental place. Dave and I unloaded the shutters out of the back before they set off. They went out the gate as Hertz’s came in at 6:30. We had the hutch loaded, strapped in and them on their way by 7.

Inside I got supper complete and we enjoyed it not long after. We were just finishing up as Shaina pulled in at 7:30, perfect timing to get her supper hot too. S was off to the TV room for the World Series baseball. dude and I visited while she ate and I did dishes then she was off to do homework and I work on marketing.

Britt and Dave were back to drop off the trailer at 10 having loaded, unloaded and had the customer pick up the goods, thanks guys. Then they headed right back to the condo to eat their pizza. I started a new Explained series on memory  on Netflix with the prince coming to bed early before 10:30! And in minutes he was sound asleep ;)

Monday, October 28, 2019

more snow

Another crappy sleep with my sore back, luckily the new chiropractor I hope to see called and booked me in for tomorrow. The ground was covered with snow when I awoke at 8 and the day continued to get worse. The satellite was out so I had to get the window washer and head out in my short housecoat...brrrrr but it worked. It was -9 overnight and only -8 now.

Happy birthday Mama K, hope you have a great day!

Lola ate quick then hunkered back under the deck. The wind picked up and snow swirled with more coming down off and on. White out conditions would come and go starting around 10, the perfect day to drink my cappuccinos and write posts for Hometalk as I have another feature coming tomorrow for the large hutch. I wrote posts for the white silverware chest, B's light fixtures and a magnetic frame.

At 11 the white out of snow lifted but the wind continued then before noon the white out was back off and on. I made banana bread seeing it was so crappy out.

I have a fancy mixer but 9/10 times I always gram this little hand mixer from Grama K to mix with

Then I whipped up the trash can deodorizer tabs I had been wanting to make.

 mix, squish and let dry

For supper I cooked up a pot of chili; again a warm comfort food on a cold day. It was tidy the house day too seeing the prince was on his way home and Shaina was here for her weekly work days. I was working on marketing when she arrived around 8:30 to eat some chili and banana bread along with her usual snowjoe ;) We visited before I was off to bed to catch some Netflix Explained while she caught up on computer work. S arrived after 11 from the great white north.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ladies day with my girls

It was another odd weather day being overcast and cool getting down to -6 overnight. Today is the womens show I won 4 tickets for.

I did a couple touchups on the stool (any clear coat drips from the factory will show more when painted) before I backed out the car waiting for Britt to arrive. She made it just before noon and we were off. We had a bit of time to spare getting to chinook area in half an hour so took a quick tour through Value Village. Britt found some plates and I a neat magazine rack. Then we headed to park and walk to the BMO center for the Women's show.

K and S were a bit behind having had issues at the coffee shop and bringing the c-train down. They arrived about 1:30 and joined us checking out all the booths at the exhibition. There were lots of fitness, health, jewelry, clothing and such. 3/4 of us got a free 10 min massage even. After 4 we all walked to the car and headed to Globefish for our sushi supper.

It seems all were very hungry as we were done in less then an hour. B and I were off for home taking a quick tour thru the nearest Tim's drive thru for a hot tea for the ride home. The other 2 ran into the mall while waiting for Kyle to pick them up and give them a ride home. Enjoyable day girls, thanks for joining me for our ladies day! xoxo

Back at the ranch at 6, B was off to spend the evening with Cooper and I jumped in the shower. As I was drying off the phone rang and it was the egg lady at the gate with our eggs!! Yikes, it was a scramble to grab a housecoat, rustle up $$ and the cartons in a few short minutes.

Making a smoothie I worked on marketing, the tutorial for the grey ruler I wrote yesterday went live, messages were answered and such while watching Netflix. Then moved to my bed to catch up on a few Handmaids Tale episodes on the PVR then finish my Hutterite book.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

WIND continues then it SNOWS and cold

What a day after a crappy sleep. The wind always has Lola on high alert and my back would not relax and cooperate. Finally I got up after 8 and made my cappuccinos. I got marketing on the go and while doing so the not bad weather went to crap. It got grey and dark and snow started to fall around 10 and carried on off and all till mid afternoon.

about 10 minutes apart

I headed to the garage to dark wax the red chair as it looks like Britt and I will not be going to the city as planned today. I got it all put back together and staged a few pics.

Before 1, neighbors stopped by with antique furniture they were giving me. We unloaded it in the shop and they were off, thanks Strath's.

Then it was on to the coffee table, it was all dark waxed after touchups. I was washing my garage washing machine while it washed rags when Britt popped her head in the garage scaring the crap out of me around3. She and Cooper had come out for a quick play date and check of her horses. She did make her bed from the clean sheets I had washed and packed up more photos and tidies her room as requested, thanks B.

I vacuumed the dusty main floor while she did so then we had a visit while waiting for the dogs to return from their adventure. The sun was out now and the snow had stopped but the wind still blew. It went up to zero from -1 then back again. She loaded up Coop and headed for home at 5.

The wind finally let up around 6 but it stayed cold. I made a tea and wrote a tutorial for the dough bowl. I worked on others like the grey ruler as well as I watched more Rhythm + Flow then moved to my bed to finish the season off. The person I hoped for from the get go won!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crazy weather day from 19 - 2

The wind is back but it is blowing warm. It is Friday; water plants day and I did laundry all day too. I worked on marketing for a bit then ventured out to haul in the tall chair to paint. Surprisingly the warm wind felt nice at 18 degrees. While I was out I gave the horses their pills then tweaked 1 of Daisy's foot, KD's front and Switch's front. Lola did not want to be left out so got a good brushing which is her favorite.

Time to scrub up the chair then take apart for ease of painting. On went the paint! While I took it outside and sprayed a coat of black over the white so if dinged it doesn't contrast so bad. Then while the first red coat dried I went in and wrote a tutorial for the stenciled jewelry box.

Back out to the garage to put on the second coat of red and move on to the coffee table I decided to go with charcoal after finding the second coat of stain finishing oil was in deed showing old marks. As per the forecast the wind picked up even MORE at 3:30 and blew the winery dirt for miles. About an hour later rain blew in too. The temperature dropped from 19 to 10 and going down and snow is forecast over the weekend. Dang.

see the marks showing above left? on goes the charcoal paint above right and all covered below

I cooked up a salmon burger and one of my last few zucchinis for supper. If only our growing season was a bit longer. Then it was folding laundry while catching some Rhythm and Flow on the iPad. I forgot to share I had a fun feature on a hardware blog on my pieces. I moved the Netflix to a hot soak in the tub hoping to make my back feel better and warm up as it is now 2 outside. When done I scrubbed the tub and bathroom sinks again while watching then headed to bed to relax and read more of the Hutterite book.