Sunday, January 27, 2019

WINDY Sunday

what a nutty guy especially in the morning ;)

Coffee was on at 9 with Papa joining in soon and Grama not far behind. We enjoyed catching up on their Mexican adventures and visiting along with a light pizza lunch with cerveza before they headed off for home after 1:30.

The morning was WINDY with a brief rain squall rolling thru. It was sunny for a bit then overcast for most of the day while the winds blew. It did hit plus 6 and melted allot more snow but by supper it was -3 and very icy!

the girls have moved to another new place in Costa Rica, check out the sunset, my favorite time of day

To get some more #sparkjoy going I set our tasks to each clean out our nightstands. One side was a bit slower then the other and required help while he laid on the bed with a sore back :) Once they were sorted, purged and put back together I vacuumed the room well moving furniture as I went then remembered I have my shedding Cooper for a few more days LOL. I hung a painting and brought in another I hope Britt can jazz up with some oil paints.

 there was funny notes found

and lunch and nails I totally forgot about and calling in ASAP B!!

I would love these poppies painted pink, hope she can help me out

A hot soak in the tub after a late supper with time to read my Marie Condo tidying book #2. S continued his research online for the HVAC system then off to dream land. The book had me rethinking my book purge so after midnight I headed back down and purged more as well as moving girls to their rooms. I finished up at 2 am but still could not sleep so listened to marketing podcasts about building an email list. This had my brain going even more with that and more purging and repurposing ideas.

S seemed to have this issue too as he woke up after I drifted off after 5:30 to do some fine tuning on the HVAC system then back to bed.

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