Tuesday, January 22, 2019

projects on the go

Amazing sunrise today, Coop was ready to go after his great sleep after 8, not long after S was up to make his coffee. I was doing marketing for part of the morning while he went out at 9:30 to roll a bale for the starving horses. Then he moved Hawk to his resting place in our beloved pet cemetery.

Back inside within the hour it was to his favorite big brown chair for a nap, it is tired Tuesday you know. A sale came in for Etsy so I got it ready to go then I cooked up meal #2 from Chef's Plate. I wasn't overly impressed with the produce but luckily had a spare avocado on hand. The fish taquitos were average but S thought really good.

my plate to right and his below with added peppers and tomatoes and fresh chilies

He then pushed a bit more snow on the road since bucket was on, put the skidd steer away and was back in the chair for another nap. I got busy painting Yvonne's shelf. Sharon stopped to look at her desk's missing piece and drop Switch's boot she tacked the buckles Cooper chewed off , THANKS SHARON!!

I offered Sharon new hardware I had on hand too, think it will be a great update

Once done I came in and made a new FB cover photo of items available.

Next I moved on to removing the opposite side corner piece to put on the side that will be visible then moved on to power sanding the desk top before calling it a day at 5:30.

Time to wake the prince and had a cold beer. Supper was leftovers and salad after that big lunch. S was then enthralled in his Flames game while I wrote up todays blog and loaded photos from yesterday. After blogging I watched horse training videos on YouTube.

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