Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Step 4 Kimono (all the rest) - in this case Jewelry

Well I think I had a good sleep but woke up thinking what.. no dog in my bed, no coffee served in bed, wait no snoring.. can it really be 9 am? :) I did some quick email checks and posted on my social media then was off to Sharon's for our marketing and motivation meeting at 10. The next 3 hours were very productive on all accounts.

When I left it was a brrr -11 but when coming home at 1 it was -3, progress and sunny so good. It even got up to -1 ;) My motivation to keep purging moved to jewelry, although out of order I was getting a few more clothes pieces I remembered on a high shelf (memory pieces) that had to go and the jewelry called to me. Yes this is out of order as paper is next but I went with it ;)

a picture then purge

like all categories, find all the pieces from everywhere in your home, here is all mine


Of course when getting the jewelry stored in a tote I found I had as many poppies as Sheldon had in his drawer. He suggested we could set up our own bucket next year LOL And check out the super cute tray my little Bee made.

Sharon had yummy mini banana muffins with the coffee but I needed lunch albiet late as now 3, luckily I had some delicious beef jerky and a cold brew in the fridge.

Another picture and purge, no need for these tags again

I sure have a pretty daughter ring stones..

Here is my purge pile (that bag is stuffed!) at 6:30 which then moved to gluing a few pieces

While they dried I moved on more sort and purge general items between laundry room and garage and while washing more laundry. Then to top off the night reading more of the Tidying Up book to keep this train rolling.

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