Monday, January 7, 2019

Switch has an abscess ;(

Weather keeps flipping, today is cool but sunny at least. I caught up on marketing before my online seminar started at 11. I managed to fold clothes while watching and taking notes. Then it was out to the garage to put finishing touches on the tables and haul them inside to dry and snap a few pics.

Late lunch at 2 was a smoothie. The white vanity had a few bleed thru spots that needed spray shellac.

see the wee bleed thru circled?

It was 3:30 already, time to catch Switch (and Pepper since he was with her) and load them up and off to Murray for 4 pm appointment. Yes she was out again but a look at her hoof suspecting an abscess and  swipe with his hoof knife exposed it. Poor girl! He did a quick few adjustments on Pepper and I had them both loaded back up and on the road 20 minutes later.

My GoodFood parcel arrived at Amanda's so I swung by to grab it and say a quick hello to the troop. Then it was off for home where I stopped in the garage to load up on warm water and supplies then unloaded the 2 in the barn and got busy prepping a sugardine poultice, wrap and boot her up. Both were set free and I into the house. Vet tech B says she needs a poultice not the sugardine so plans to bring me some tomorrow, THANKS B!

 ready … standing in Epsom salt water to clean the hoof

mix the sugardine mixture

apply to the clean hoof

 cover with diaper, look how the Velcro tabs make it fit well, thanks Amanda!! then put on boots

Back inside I opened my GoodFood box and put away the meals.

A bite to eat while watching Tidelands then it was time to market a bit. A gal messaged wanting a couple things and wanted to look at more so I organized the display area at the base of the stairs. She was originally interested in the planked table but 6' was too long. She was sure it looked smaller in pictures and wanted to see it until I took a photo of it leaning on the wall. Yep 6'!

I finished the season of Tidelands before lights out.

Kaylin picked up the sofa table and got it loaded in the car. THANKS K! XOXO However after sitting at the airport waiting for Sheldon, he text there were plane difficulties and he was not even in the air and would be late. She came up with a plan and left the car at the airport for him. Sheldon eventually got a new plane, taxied to the car and arrived home at 2:45. No word of a lie from door to snore in less then 6 minutes. I of course seeing I had already been asleep laid awake till almost 4.

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