Saturday, January 19, 2019

my boy Hawk passes

I awoke to a bright sunshine day but as I looked out to the hay area I counted only 6 horses. I let Lola out and put on some coffee and grabbed the binoculars. Yes there were only 6 horses eating and Hawk was missing. I checked from other windows and even headed out in my housecoat to see if I could see behind the shelter walls but no luck. Something kept ningling at me so I quickly changed into clothes pulled on my covies and took a hike out.

He was not behind the shelter with the others who were now at the house and walking to the hay and seeing the fence line behind revealed nothing. I began to hike faster thru the SW paddock, past the shelter and towards the barn scanning the trees behind me. Could he be behind the shop? As I got closer there were hoof prints to the back door and I thought I hope he is locked inside but when opened the door no such luck. I got out the quad but it died not far out the door being so cold at -14. Luckily the ranger started and I got it backed out and headed to the pit which I had not walked to. Nothing so i drove into the field and along the fence wondering where he could have went. As I got closer to the SW paddock again I could see him down by the fence. I totally missed this passing by on foot. I was heartbroken finding him like this. My tears brought the horses from the far shelter with KD coming closer for a hug and Daisy stood for the longest hug. Tracks around him showed they had been there but so were the birds ;(

I went back to the house to get my cell plugged in and call Sheldon, Britt (who I later found was at an appointment) and Mom. I text the other 2 girls who were flying to Costa Rica today and Sharon. Kaylin replied right away as did Sharon. She popped over and helped me get a tarp and take down to cover him then gather large rocks to hold it down, THANKS Sharon! Back to the house she was off for home, I checked the cats and went inside. Mitzy followed me back and claimed sanctuary from the -13 in the garage to warm up.

The rest of my day was a somber quiet day. I snapped some pictures of the patina plate to swap in for the sold jewelry box on Etsy then ended up scouring through photos to share of this good ole boy. Britt called after her appointment, she guesses it was his Cushings and most likely cancer. We both hoped it was quick and painless, there was no thrashing in the snow so hopefully so. I of course feel so bad not being there with him at the end but do feel blessed to have had him in our lives for so long. The photos I found were just a few of the many I have over the years.


Shaina text once they landed in Costa Rica just before 3 pm our time. The day warmed as it went on and was -2 now. Finally at 4, I was feeling a bit hungry so made some guacamole and brought in the tray to stencil. The sun was still shining bright but I knew not for long. Britt text she would come tomorrow rather then tonight as getting dark.

Out in the garage I set the crib up for a quick photo and found I forgot the oil the 2 brace pieces so got that done. Seeing the temperatures are so much warmer (-4 now) then last few nights I left Lola out to patrol. Then back inside to write todays blog post, Such a hard post, I will miss this guy so much.

It is with a heavy  I share these photos of one of my best horses, Hawk. This big grey gelding had the heart of lion and gave his very best at anything asked of him.
He came to us as an "add on" with his sister Daisy who was purchased for Shaina. My Dad saw potential right away in him and man was he right. If I had to pick a trail horse in the mountains I chose him, always alert & aware yet willing to go anywhere I asked of him. Always trusting & dependable!
When I wanted to learn polocrosse he gave it a go. He did not like the balls chucked at him but he always went where I asked him to trusting I had a plan in this crazy game.
You would not think such a stocky horse would be so nimble but he excelled in dressage (thanks to Mom for giving him his chance to shine in this discipline). This came in handy when we started working equitation. Again he trusted me while challenging his fears in the WE obstacles like the big black bull and gave his big heart trying them all.
He had super quick turns which he loved to show off in gymkhana and it was always fun to be along for the ride.
He was the one I would move to a fence to get on and bareback to the house with just a lead or launch the kids up on in the middle of the pasture to give a ride with just a string. This was my go to guy, no drama just sensible and safe and the smoothest ride like a Cadillac!
Thank you Hawk for all you gave us! You will be missed. Forever in our hearts. Run free and fast my big beautiful fella XOXO

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