Friday, January 4, 2019

windy chinook day

The sun was out but the chinook winds howled. Perfect time to get busy in the garage but first a couple cappuccinos and some marketing. It was then on to paint the first coat of navy on the dresser hutch.

I forgot to share this photo of Lola surrounded by darn magpies.. seems she had something they wanted. Prior to me grabbing the camera there were at least 8 around her! Of course we don't have this snow after these warm windy days..

While it dried I removed the clamps on the vanity pieces and filled the chipped veneer areas and glued the lower edge of the seat. Inside I was sending the dresser owner update pics when Amanda called around 12:30. She had taken Asher to get his wrist checked and the xray showed it was set wrong. This meant he needed to be put under and have it reset. I brushed my teeth, changed into jeans and was off to town in short order. I loaded the 3 little ones and the stroller, whew that has been awhile then off to their house. Lunch and play was our afternoon. The suggested hour extended with poor Ash pretty groggy and low blood pressure like his mom and I , then nausea from the anesthetic so had to stay allot longer. They did arrive home at 4:30 with a bright new green cast and stuffy.

I had to jet off as I had booked an online marketing course at 5. I stopped and grabbed Vietnamese take out and the mail on the way and when I got home could not find the link. Rats, so I ate and headed out to put another coat of navy on the set. Watching the last Tidying Up then on to Sabrina while I caught up on the blog. I am running out of shows, any recommends?

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