Sunday, September 30, 2018

Killing Frost

BRRRR -5 upon waking, good thing I hauled in the potatoes and planters. It was our first killing frost. With my fresh cappuccino I caught up on Instagram posts and updating the blog before heading out to put another coat of black chalk paint on the projects.

Time to head out and administer horse meds. It is dang cold out and of course the naughty little one would not be caught, well I did catch her once and while I had arm over her neck putting on the halter she started to run with me running alongside until she outran me. ;( I went back for a bucket of food which is hazardous in itself with 7 hungry horses but I caught her again only to have her rear a couple times eventually causing me to lose my grip and off she sprinted. But I caught her again and got it in her mouth. LAST DOSE thank you Jesus!! The horses all got a mouthful with her even getting last dibs on walk to house before release.

Now to stage the table for which of course runs into other things like vacuuming and hauling staging stuff out. But I managed to get many pictures and thinking ready to go until I found one latch sketchy, after attempts to repair I think a new one is in order. Time to move near the door and put my dining room back in order.

behind the scenes chaos

The chalk projects were now dry their 4 hours so another coat went on. I had offered a tub of paint up to my email followers and had a few interested so I looked for more to purge. This led to finding a pile I can let go and had me tidy my shelves as I went.

Back inside it was time to post more items for sale, I did a live video on FB of my current items for sale and wrote a blog post for the beach glass frame. I finished season 2, This Is Us and watched the new season 3 episode on my PVR, all caught up.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Finished the dining table

Saturday had a slow start relaxing and catching up on Instagram with my latte's, today is international coffee day you know!! And what goes better then caramel chocolate, this yummy bar is from B's trip to Europe and I had it tucked away, still tasty B, XOXOX Thanks!!

In the garage I put another natural stain coat on the dining table and added a darker wax to the base, it is almost ready to go. The 2 new projects each got a coat of black wax too.

 wash paint above and with black wax below

I donned a heavy winter coat, grabbed the meds and headed out to the horses in far pasture corner. Bird and Hawk got their does but Roo had other ideas again. Following her around on foot got tiring and once she started to run and buck I used the quad to move them to the paddock by the house. Still she was not wanting to be caught so I filled the salt/mineral tub and being to curious she came to check that out only to be caught. She is really not enjoying this 5 day regime of crappy tasting dewormer and is now thinking rearing can get her loose. Nope and after getting it in her I had her walk around with me to open gates and such before her release. Poor Pepper seemed to have an exaggerated breathing issue but eventually it returned to normal, poor old guy.

Back inside it was time to warm up as the brisk 4 degrees feels like winter is coming. The rustic cream table set blog post was posted and shared. I chopped up a Japanese salad before heading back to the garage. Buff the waxed pieces and put together and clean glass and the dining table had dark wax added to the table edges.

Then it was inside to get some pictures, which led to a bit of cleaning and adding CM stickers to the bottoms and so on. I moved our dining table and chairs out and brought in Sharon's table to finish drying inside. I also glued 2 new dowels in so cant push together till dry.

I finally got my cell phone package posted for sale too

Back in the garage I started some black board projects. The glass from the frame I painted a few weeks back was cleaned as well as a new large frame with glass and 2 cabinet doors. They however needed wood filler in holes and plastic inserts removed first then all got 1 coat of black chalkboard paint. I shut production down at 8 and came in to soak in the tub and watch This is Us and could only make it till after 11 tonight, go figure!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Just another foggy day at the ranch

The day was clear when I let Lola out after 8 but by 9 the fogged rolled in for an hour and rolled back out. So crazy. It did rain another 1/10th overnight. The horses were right at the fence so I went out and administered all the meds; successful with miss Roo even.

As it rolled out and I was snapping a few photos and low and behold there was a coyote right close. Lola went off barking its way but it was not really to concerned ;( The sun poked thru off and on for the day.

Time to get another coat of stain on Sharon's table and paint the base another coat of white.

I snapped a few photos of the frame and doing so decided I wanted to keep it and sell the first one (identical) I did in more green color (below)

I was then off to town to get rid of the trash, drop Vance's gift and the S&P to go to Oyen at Amanda's and had a nice hour visit.

Groceries were nest to get followed by a burger/latte and headed back home. I stopped quick at Sharon's to grab another cardboard box. Amanda had one too. Unloading, eating the burger and doing accounting drudgery for over an hour.

surprise, another parcel at the gate.. more fun products to try

A break was needed.. so out to distress and dark wax the table. I then moved onto the Bombay box and valet. Both were cleaned and the valet painted black and Bombay grey.

this is made by Bombay and was originally a tea chest that sold for $129!!

I checked the forecast as they predicted snow tonight and it looks like it may not happen but get to -1 so I went out and put the potatoes in the cardboard boxes and hauled them in. Lola did her loop and in just as a sprinkle of rain came down before 8 and it is pitch black now. I added some black paint over the grey and another coat on the valet but did not care for it over the grey so wet wiped and came up with a cool look.

Late supper after a late lunch consisted of pumpkin pie and a beer ;) but after working on blog posts I ate my left over Vietnamese at 10:30, they say that is not good to eat late, guess we will see. The black hutch blog post went live. I enjoyed This is Us episodes till late, don't you love this show?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

dentist run

The rain was still lightly coming down and the new rain gauge says 2/10ths so far. Poor Lola reacted to the meds given last night and had a diarrhea attack before I let her out. That was not how to start the day but not her fault as they said the meds can cause tummy issues ;(

Once it was all cleaned and floor scrubbed I put a coat of the stain oil on and brought the frame and pepper grinder in to staple the chicken wire in the frame and stage a few pics.

I headed out in the drizzly rain to administer the horse meds, Hawk doesnt like his but he takes it, Bird circled a bit but eventually gave in but dang Roo ran all over and after 10 minutes of trudging in the wet crap and grass I headed back to the house.

Time to load up and head to the city as noon and I have dental at 1:30. It seems the gate was not wanting to work correctly, of course since it was raining but after getting out and resetting the power it did work finally. The rain was all the way in too. I stopped at Home depot for more stripper and staples before getting to my appointment. It seems the parking has changed so got that sorted and had an hour and a half appointment getting the impressions taken for the final implants. Seems the one tooth gum grew more then needed requiring more cutting and removing ;(

Lasting on only a piece of toast and a coffee and an ice tea on the way in I was hungry but had to stop at my 2 thrift stores on the way to the Vietnamese place. The one stop took an hour with way more then I thought I would find. The second I scored just 3 things quick and off to eat.

Finally once I was done eating at 5 the rain had let up. There was one thrift store after it with a bit more success and instead of hitting Costco I just grabbed a chai tea and hit the road for home. Once back I jumped on the quad and headed back out this time with a halter to catch miss Roo but she was having nothing to do with me and the halter. Bird got her eye done and after 15 minutes again of chasing her around I gave up and went home to text B it was in her court now.

"new" glassware and a fav Tupperware cup

Unloading the treasures and finishing the frame wire install and snapping a few pics were next before on to marketing and accounting.. how did it get to be the end of September?? I checked and we had 3/10ths rain overnight and today and the rain started again around 8 briefly.

Britt and Dave arrived at 9 and it did not take long for her to get the dose into Roo, I think it was the dark of night that helped ;) but whatever it was she got it done. I will try again tomorrow but no guarantee.

I saw a frost advisory so headed out at 10 to put a blanket over the planters rather then pull them in and let Lola out then came in to make a smoothie and wouldn't you know while making a smoothie I broke a bag of frozen blueberries all over.. a dark floor in dim light LOL I think it is time to go to bed this day needs to be over. But once I washed off the dog hair and popped them in, the smoothie was delicious!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

painting staining and waxing

Bit breezy and overcast day to start, and yep I am sore even with the hot soak and arnica rub. Time to apply more arnica and get moving. I did run the meds out to the horse shed when they came in mid morning. Then I was on town staining the first coat on Sharon's table.

left is stained, right is bare wood

I took a blanket out to cover my harvest from sunlight but want them to dry before bad weather comes, how I wish we had a cold cellar

While it was left to dry I moved on to waxing the ornate one. Sharon stopped just after 1 to decide on table base color and have a brief visit. The sun popped out finally but only briefly. I used my furniture mover to haul a couple planters to the garden shed and the ones I will over winter to the garage door and leave out for a day more? they are calling for rain and snow in the next couple days ;(

I rearranged more pieces in the garage and swept and stock looks to be dwindling and moving! Time to paint the table base the warm white I just have been using.

I cut the edges in all perfect then decide to paint the underside white too 

As it dried I painted the "new to the paint table" frame I scrubbed up awhile back the pretty beach glass color  then dry brushed the red I have been using on the salt and pepper sets. It looks pretty neat and seeing I only had a wee bit of the blue left I scrubbed up another pepper grinder and did it the same colors.

I was wet distressing the table base when Britt and Cooper arrived after 6:30. She picked up flea/dewormer meds on her way past the vet clinic in town I ordered from. She also had horse wormer for miss Roo who will be getting it for the next 5 days as well as new eye ointment for Bird. Looks like my horse chores got a bit longer each day.

We quadded out to the herd to disperse the new meds then back to the house to give dogs the flea pill. And just like that B and Cooper were loaded up and headed home in less then an hour as the darkness began to fall as well as rain lightly. 

I dark waxed the frame and pepper grinder (pics tomorrow) and painted the table leaf edges I forgot while waiting for Lola then called it a day in the paint shop. The beach glass jewelry box post went live. I watched To all the Boys I loved Before, the rain started around 11 and went all night in a slow rain.