Tuesday, August 29, 2017

leading lessons with Roo again - lots of pics

8 am wakeup again but this time Lex slept thru the night and I awoke at 4 so went to bathroom then back to bed! I spent a bit of time chatting back and forth with the chair lady. I did hike out to check my stock and indeed have more chairs to match but after seeing her table I talked her out of them as too small, silly me. While I was out there checking I picked the rest of the apples except the honey crisp. The darn birds were eating so many more so the pecked ones went to the ponies.

check out the size of some of my honey crisp apples

I put 2 more coats of stain on the kids table top as well as another coat of milk paint.

but of course when I was ready to poly I noticed looking directly down you could see the frame so out came the artist brush and new milk paint

All were sanded between coats then 2 coats of poly added to the chairs and table base. It is all done now, yeah. Britt and I loaded up and headed to work with baby Roo at 2.

 conga line

so hot.. need a drink and a rest 

She had another good day,coming right along we think ;) We stopped at Tims seeing it was another hot day at 28, Of course B had no wallet hahaha. We were back home at 4:30. I cooked up supper but when I stepped outside I had this jumbo heavenly visitor...

and such a pretty blue.. my favorite color.. not sure who you were but thanks for coming to say hi!

Other then working with Roo, B had a laid back day. She did do some laundry and went out to hose and feed Bird tonight ;) Did I mention season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder is new on Netflix? I am sure she is finished.

It is getting darker earlier now, even before 9 now. I finally was able to post the antique dresser blog post today, click the colored link to stop by. The girls missed there flight by 3 minutes due to slow security line so had an additional 3+ hours to wait not getting home till almost midnight, tired girls for sure.

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