Friday, August 11, 2017

2nd August Friday ;/

Kaylin stayed in the city last night as she has a 6 am shift today! Sheldon and I managed to sleep till nearly 10 once Britt was on her way, not usual but sometimes needed. After our usual coffee in bed,
I spent the day off and on working on the dresser giving 2 more coats of milk paint then clear waxing after sanding smooth and dark wax detailing.

S planned to change oil in truck but had to run to town in am for the correct oil brought home lunch for us after 1. He finished up the truck in the afternoon as well as moved around bales and equipment again with a quick run to the gate with the lawn mower.

K was home after 4, showered visited for a bit as we had a cold beverage then was off to town to take Lexi to dog park in the sunshine in the 28 sunshine. B got home from work, changed and was off to meet Amber at OJ's for supper. For supper I made mushroom chicken but dug our first hill of new potatoes to go with it, YUM!  Gail stopped out after supper for a visit. A gorgeous sunset was enjoyed on this Friday night moving quickly thru August.

photo by Gail ;)

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