Thursday, August 31, 2017

organizing my world

B was up and gone before 7 and I fell back asleep awaking with a start after 8. I was to text girls to be sure awake. I threw them on some coffee, Shaina was out the door for her 9 am shift and Kaylin left soon after for her 10 am in the city. Now to get myself going with a much lighter batch of coffee ;)

A neighbor gal stopped to pick up the 5 chunky chairs Mom had brought for another gal that never showed at 10. See Sheldon, I am trying to get the mez area organized ;) I have a customer stopping after lunch for the rustic bench so spent time tidying the main floor as well as staging a few pictures of the canisters and the kids table.

I had to write 2 more HomeTalk posts in order to get a feature so went with spray paint and the wood canisters. I did start a new project, turning a cabinet door into a tray, so drilled out plastic inserts, scrubbed and filled holes.

The bench was picked up with a short visit and offer of a few old things they are pulling out of a shed as well as 2 sets of Xmas post decor ordered, best get on that soon

Lexi - first word cute, 2nd... hair! I was vacuuming the main floor to corral her loose hair when Shaina got home from work around 5. She went straight to bed to nap. Britt was home before 7 as I was heating the barbecue. I had chopped up fresh garden potatoes to put on as well as hutterite corn then when Kaylin made it home around 7:30 threw on the chicken souvlaki. Yummy supper with my girls. After a visit and a shower I watched a few How To Get Away With Murder.. till about 1 actually when Shaina crawled in.

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