Tuesday, August 22, 2017

more heat

I rousted Miss Kaylin before 9, made her some strong coffee likes she likes and a dipping toad in a hole which she scarfed down before heading to work after 9. Her lateness led to speeding which led to some red and blue lights, poor girl!

I got a new pot of coffee on and threw in a toad in the hole for Prince. It is going to be a hot one today and tomorrow they say. We let the horses out to eat in the big field but it was not long before they kept coming back to get in the shelters away from bugs and heat. I weeded and watered while Sheldon put a wire across the house gate area. I found our new poplar COVERED in small bugs so he sprayed it. Hope it does ok as they have stripped lots.

Britt came up for a piece of toast and back to bed with her crappy cold. Sheldon and I were off to town for what I thought was my 2 pm acupuncture. He dropped me off 10 minutes early and after sitting in the 29 sun the gal came out to say I was an hour early! Well dang, we rescheduled for Thursday morning but Sheldon would not answer his phone or texts but eventually I got a hold of him and he was back for me at 2:30. We grabbed the mail on the way home which had 2 packages. One was my hardware for the antique tall dresser, yay!

Prince helped me haul the dresser inside. The next 45 minutes I put on the handles and held the key hole covers while Sheldon tapped in the nails. It looks so much better then the crazy crystal knobs.

S napped while I worked on marketing and blog. My black chair customer arrived to pick up and have a quick visit. Thanks again Illona.

Britt got dressed and we all headed over to work with Roo at 5 for a bout 45 minutes then was back home by 7.

I dug fresh potatoes and got prepared for the barbecue. I sauteed fresh zucchini from my garden as Sheldon cooked the souvlaki pork and the supper was heavenly!

Just before sunset, Sheldon drove down and opened the far gate to let the horses out in the hay overnight. It seems they did not see him do it so after a bit he took the quad and led them out of the paddock, across the yard and into the field. Kaylin was home from stopping to visit friends after work around 10:30. She ate and was off to try and get some sleep for her early shift in the morning.

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