Sunday, August 6, 2017

running of the bulls day 2

Heritage days 2 Sheldon was up and off to the rodeo meeting again leaving me to get some marketing going. I rousted the girls with coffee but Shaina was of course a slow start. She was still in bed when we left at noon for the day. She is planning to leave about 2 for Jessica's wedding which Kaylin was of course already at yesterday for rehearsal.

We got our spots in the sun and enjoyed a really warm day for the rodeo. It finished up a bit earlier so the work crew went off to hit Carter's pool for a bit while Sheldon and I perused the grounds and the trade show before getting the lift ready to roll.

Set up went smooth as did the second night of the running of the bulls. Tonight there were only 50 runners but it was as usual entertaining.

We stayed to watch the chucks and visit then made a stop at Paetz's.  Britt continued home to care for the dogs, thanks B! This stop turned into a longer stay taking in the fireworks at 11 from atop their nearby top soil hill. We headed for home after a fun catch up after midnight.

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