Friday, October 7, 2016

Winter arrives

The day was overcast to start and cool, perfect day to set up the computer finally. The morning was consumed with that and about 10:30 the light flakes started to blow and by 11 it was coming down. This was the rest of the day.

double timing the screens

I did head to the garage at noon to start on the dresser and gave brown glaze a go. I was a couple hours in when Sheldon arrived home early on the stormy day. He cracked a cold beer or 3 to celebrate the weeks end and kicked back with the Jay's ball game and the next. I got back to the computer, luckily the new google one drive was handy system that keeps many settings and I took advantage of Dropbox to load photos and can access from any computer.

without glaze then with

Supper was enjoyed around 6:30, Sheldon even came up to give me a hand then I was back to computer stuff and he perused the net until we caught up on Pitch and Notorious on PVR.

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