Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Sheldon originally took today off and I was to have Archer and Ada in the afternoon but those plans changed. Sheldon was off to work and once up and a coffee chugged, I got back to work. The pink jewel box was painted another coat, distressed and waxed a few times.

The coasters box was glossified and painted another coat, it is done. Now to dry well and stage

I finally got to try my kukui stain, on the raw wood tray I took apart and another raw wood crate.

I put antiquing top coat on the geo table but not liking it ;(

I ran in the house to grab something and looked at the clock, 1:45!! Where has my day gone? I guess you love your job when time flies. I grabbed a quick snack and headed back out to black wax the grey geo table. Whew that was a doozy, waxing takes so much time and all in the details just added to it but by 4 I was done and came in to watch Ellen to see all the costumes. Ellen disappointed me being Sia ;( Horses were by the trailer so I took Switch her 2 pills, the rest were miffed they did not get any ;)

I was working in the garage buffing the stained pieces when Sheldon got home with teas for the chilly day. Happy Halloween everyone, here is the girls costumes from the w/e.

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