Saturday, March 19, 2016

new dining table in place

Sunny Saturday.. time to get some stuff done. First was a trip to town, wash my car quick then to get screws and table feet, the others from the city not right sizes, grabbed some chair ribbon at Walmart then was off to lab for last blood test for a long time hopefully. I was back home just before noon as Britt ad Coco stumbled up the stairs!

Time to get to work on the table; the white all got a coat of clear wax now and buffed then the table top got a couple coats of Danish oil.
In between the coats, Grant had stopped out to see Sheldon but in the end visited with me for about half an hour. The oil was to dry 8-10 and ready to use so I hauled base in and set new feet on (cant get any to snap in ;( ) then hauled in the top. Britt helped me lift and center it then I attempted to screw top to base but need more eyes so tacked till Prince gets home. Of course I had to snap pictures and even stage the centerpiece quickly to post. I think it will serve us well but I did get an offer to buy minutes after posting so you never know ;)

Britt asked what to make for her lunch, I suggested a chicken melt/grill so away she went. I heard her struggling and found her trying to melt the chicken and cheese in a fry pan LOL oh my B. Once a clearer instruction was given she had it under the broiler... it did get a bit burnt claiming she did not know you had to watch it carefully.. oh B!
 I tried out my new runners, it is for the long dresser in background and went with striped
The package for the contest arrived but the material was crap, not worth putting on the chairs so back to plan B, the balloon back chair. I did some final staple removal, sanding and tapping in nails, finished the seat pattern then put on first coat of the pink paint.

The day was plus 14, so I rousted Britt to come walk the dogs with me even thought it was now 5:30. She got the bug and headed out to ride, what a night. I decided to head out too and trim Bird and Switch's feet too.
 D checking the bison skull out

 Switch paying attention to Bird's workout ;)

until she had to go bug Lola
 my assistants in training

After cooking up a hearty supper while watching a couple hours of old "Friends" with B, we watched the "Last Song".

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