Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunny Sunday ... for a few short hours anyway

I was lucky enough to sleep in today after my recent late nights and when I awoke the sun was blazing. The hoar frost sparkled and everything looked so pretty.

I snapped a few pictures of yesterdays projects now dry and ready to go and got them posted for sale.

 before and afters

Around noon though as a gal stopped out to pick up her porch planter the fog rolled back in making it gloomy. Back to purging closets.. this time under my sink getting all the fabulous hotel goodies and other goodies like floss, nail files and such packed up for the homeless & womens' shelters.
this batch from the fancy Palliser hotel.. hope they enjoy the fancy rose fragrance of the rich ...(have to say I was not a fan but I sure loved staying there!)

I worked on the tray researching best decoupage techniques but in the end it still bubbled ;( Will see how it fairs after it dries with the top coat on.

My next consuming task was boxes of treasures in my room, wow found gifts I had bought before moving for others and myself !! So much stuff I forgot I had but lots more sorted.

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