Saturday, December 12, 2015

project progress in Christmas colors

Saturday 12-12 the foggy frosty days continue hovering just under the freezing mark. It was another great day for home decor painting and since it was so white.. the day was filled with Christmas music.

wooden candlesticks made in Denmark and a metal pillar candle both got fireworks red and dark wax treatments, once done staged and posted
before and after

before and after

a wrought iron set of candle holders and a key rack got a creamy makeover then the holders got made to look old all over again ;) Will stage and post tomorrow

The tray repair area was sanded and many coats of black spray paint were put around the edges and bottom after I chose a cute purple scrap book paper to decoupage in the bottom.

I posted the planter for free (to much work for the end result) and a lady was to come today but decided on tomorrow. So scrubbing and painting and sanding were chalked up to time donated to help another ;)
Marketing always takes a ton of time, new pictures to post on the FB page and relist many on Kijiji, lets hope more moves to make room for new projects.
 frames and mirrors
and then I posted this set, everything is $30 each on sale

My evening was dedicated to sorting presents I have bought and making the list of remaining ones to buy. Looks like I am about half and half so not bad, right? Sheldon was not that nice when he sent me a picture of his usual Saturday night supper.. and he could not finish them all.. well boo hoo for you! Send some my way ;)
But as I tell him, I have cold beer ;)~

Around 10, I decided to clean out the pantry.. by about 1 am I was done hahaha, I think I could be an independent Tupperware lady ... and demo a fully stocked storage system!

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