Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bill 6 rally & a puppy

Today was yet another busy day of sorts. Sheldon finished securing the stalls to the barn walls before he was off with Matt to Bassano for the big Bill 6 rally before noon. Britt and I ran to town to check out the new Home Decor store, grab goodies at Walmart, get a tea before I headed home and she washed her car now picked up from its sleepover.

 Bill 6 rally

Dale and the kids were at the house waiting for us and the evening was spent visiting. I made hamburger soup for our supper while we chatted and Sheldon was home to join us when ready. They have a new little puppy, Scout, with kept everyone entertained. Games and cards rounded out the night with us shutting down once again around 1:30. Shaina arrived to spend the night late around 3:30 after working at Xmas party at the golf course.

 Mya is faking sleep but still cute
 Coco gets a mini spa day
 wee Scout

 Scout meets big D in weenie's toy carrier

I made pancakes for breakfast with fresh coffee and Shaina even got up early to join the visiting and meet Scout. They loaded up and were off around noon.
 Mya loves to visit ALL the animals when she comes ;)
Shaina added decorations to the tree and we after lunch she too was off. Britt and I rode in the arena as well as outside in the plus 7 sunshine while Sheldon started to put up Xmas lights along the rail. The horses all got a dose of dewormer before we came inside to finally update blog for last 4 days.
I cooked up a family favorite, creamed chicken for supper to send Britt off back to Olds to spend the week studying before her finals start Thursday. Good luck Britty!

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