Friday, December 11, 2015

Frosty Friday

Another foggy frosty start to this Friday but eventually late morning it cleared but never saw sun. Temps are just below freezing but certainly dreary. I scrubbed up a few smaller projects, now to decide colors and hope they will sell for Xmas gifts.

I tried my new rug cleaner, posted the old one for free and it was picked up at supper time. The new model is smaller and seems easier to clean.

The kids table was picked up and off to its new home as well another gal stopped to to pick up some boots.
Doing laundry makes one consider homeless people ;) Yep Sheldon loves to wear 10% of his clothes 90% of the time and these 10% can move on to a new person I think! This led to cleaning and organizing his entire dresser and hanging closet areas too!

I then enjoyed a bath while watching The Fosters and once out was motivated to clean my bathroom cabinets while I finished season 2.. dang you Netflix, where is season 3 after that cliffhanger! After finishing up I got caught up in unlimited lives on Candy Crush and before you know it, it was 2:30, however Lola was disturbed by howling coyotes at 3, Coco wanted out around 3:30, then Diego at 3:45.. come on guys, I need beauty sleep!

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