Monday, July 15, 2013

810 - stupid WIND

Day 810 I got a wakeup text from Britt at 6:50 wondering where we were!! :-)  the rain started to come down just before 9 so I jumped out of bed (we are in the horse trailer remember) and went to catch the 3 horses while Sheldon hooked the truck up. We were home before 10 am. After unloading the ponies in the hellish wind, Sheldon changed and got ready to head to High River to help a friend demo his basement. I had a nice hour nap which bid my headache goodbye!
 this is the basement stuff pulled out of our friends house today
Britt had gone to work for 7 and home early at 10:20 or so then went to bed. I rousted Shaina at noon and Sam and Adam arrived just after 12. It was a long line for showers. Once all were ready the 4 headed to town for lunch as I stayed to tidy the house a bit. They stopped back quick around 3 and were off to the city to go bowling and a bit of shopping. We had planned to go golfing but the horrendous wind changed that plan.

Sheldon was home about 5:45. I was preparing our indoor barbecue as the wind continued to howl. The bowlers got home about an hour later and we started with corn on the cob appetizer (that and the rest was not cooked quite) ;-) I cooked it all in the oven and even the sausage turned out great.

Relax time with ice cream and couple movies to follow (The Lucky One and Grownups) then bed for all around 12:30 for another early day tomorrow.

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