Wednesday, July 10, 2013

805 - Truck trouble ;(

Day 805 was a hot one reaching 29 plus! Poor Britt had to be up and at the stables for 7 but the rest of us got up a bit later.. except Adam who had a real good late sleep. I mowed lawn while Sheldon put a tank of roundup down under the trees before showering for his work stampede party. He got ready and on his way returned the extra rock and grabbed the water repair part, his party was at the Roadhouse in the city.

Little Ralph was picked up at 1 by his new family, seems he took over the house cat's blanket soon after arriving at his new home. I cooked up bacon, scrambled eggs, beans toast and veggies for brunch.
After brunch Sam rode Baby for Shaina working to further her training. She is a smart little thing that once reprimanded a few times could accomplish quite a bit in a short time. Shaina then was off to work from 2 to close.

 one sweaty pony
Britt and the "boys" went for a round of golf while I continued to water plants & trees, packed beverages and snacks for practice, unhooked and hooked up trailers, loaded horse feed and caught horses hoping to leave at 5:30. They stopped to eat due to heat and lack of cooking on my part for supper so were a bit later but once home, a quick change and they were ready to go. We were on the road around 6 and heading into the sun.

Just as we entered the city limits the truck started acting up, lights flashing the dash going off and the a/c quit. I knew this was not good and tried to contact Sheldon at his party. Eventually just past elbow drive we were slowed by traffic and had ZERO power so coasted to the side of the busy road. I cant tell you how happy I was to have the strapping lads with me yet again as they translated Sheldon instructions to swap batteries and got busy. This however did not work but eventually Sheldon arrived on site via taxi. Lesley came over to boost us which did not work as well so she sent Danielle with her trailer and ran and got hers and hauled the 4 horses to the field with most of us and our tack. Sheldon and Adam stayed to trouble shoot further on the truck.
UGH.. the heat and traffic were horrid and not one person stopped till other trailers arrived to rescue horses
At the field we tacked up and there was enough time only for Sam to play a 6 min chucka and Britt got in two. I did not get any field time but Kaylin was kind enough to come and watch so I visited with her and miss Lexi. She also loaded all our tack in her new escape which quickly turned to sweaty horse smell combined with manure.. poor Kaylin! Of course Sheldon phone died right about now but he had called neighbor Matt to the rescue. Matt via me found them but found his 5th wheel hitch was not the one we had. He did pull the unit up onto the shoulder which was helpful. Back to the ranch they went to get our adapter. Kaylin drove us to Tims, eventually they kicked us out at 11:20 so we went to check on the truck and low and behold Sheldon and Adam were just getting the truck pulled off the trailer.
Bird back in the game and Sam giving KD some excersise
Kaylin and Lexi take cover from the mozzies in their tent
We unloaded Kaylin's vehicle, she kindly took Britt to the parking lot where Sheldon left the probe, helped Britt find a gas station and led her to 16th Ave to give her a straight route home, THANKS KAZIE!! We hooked up the trailer, headed to the field to pickup the horses who were left grazing in the tie area and I drove us all home again arriving around 1 am. Britt was close behind detouring around a big accident that shut down the #1. Shaina was home sleeping..odd I know. Snacks for some reading for others and eventually I think 2 am most were off to bed.

BIG THANKS TO SAM, ADAM, LESLEY, DANIELLE, KAYLIN & MATT!!!! you all helped so much to make this truck problem doable!!

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