Monday, December 31, 2012

616 - Shaina sets out on her adventure

Day 616 is New Years Eve, it is also the day Shaina flies south for her adventure! After a cuddly night with her in the middle of our king size bed the alarm went off at 5 am. She jumped in the shower and got ready. We estimated departure no later than 6 am but we were delayed 5 minutes after realizing her helmet was not packed. Off we went in the dark, barley giving her a last glimpse at snow. The temperature was only -4 too.

We arrived at YYC about 6:50, Sheldon and Britt dropped her and I at the departure gate and after hugs they cruised around the circle again. I helped her get her bags weighed (she came in at 49.8 pounds!) and then off thru the USA customs gate. She was nervous and teary eyed but she grabbed her bags and set off with her chin up and confidence in check! We are going to miss this little ball of fire the next few months but she will undertake such a great adventure!
 love the fact these two will miss each other
 and off thru security she goes

Sheldon was waiting outside and back home thru the night we cruised. We even stopped to fill with gas and get hot teas treating Lexi to her first Tim bit :-). we arrived back home just before 8, right when Shaina's plane should be taxing out on the runway for her Los Angeles flight!
Britt headed back to bed as expected, Sheldon lit the fire and he and I dueled on "words with friends" while enjoying our teas. he napped while I updated the blog before I moved on to finishing my closet organization!
Skyping with Shaina as she waits

Later  Sheldon headed back for a few more boards and sanded a bit. It was a relaxed laid back day. Britt did not get up until after 1. She did go out and check horses quickly and rode Pepper for a bit :-) I organized more drawers and found more to purge.
 Sheldon tossed some moldy hay over fence and started it on fire, curious ponies
 smell fire and bolt
 and watch from a far, Sheldon is a pyromaniac like his father :-)
 more gorgeous sunsets. We all got ready then it was off to town just after 6 to drop Britt at Brooke's. Seems the girls are off to a young people's New Years Eve party then Britt will sleep over. Sheldon and I stopped for a quick drink and visit at Amanda and Craig's before venturing to Langdon to Il Bricco for a lovely supper. We ran into neighbors, Rhonda and Al there too.
We finished up around 8:30 and hurried home to skype for a second time today Miss Shaina who had spent over 11 hours sitting in LAX airport waiting for her flight to New Zealand. She did manage a nap finally and was awoken to her name being called for check in :-) She boarded just after nine and would fly out by ten MST and fly thru our night about 14 hours arriving January 3rd at 8 am!!
Kaylin and Aaron heading to a NY party in Kelowna

Sheldon and I celebrated with a rum while watching Dick Clark's New Years TV show and playing "words with friends" with each other and Terri in Australia while in bed. She thought it could be a funny movie, In Bed With the Kuhn's! After such a long day I was powered out and fell asleep before midnight!

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