Saturday, December 8, 2012

593 - frosty Saturday

Day 593 continued in the cold snap, The wind made it worse. About 3:30 Sheldon heard the kitties begging for the warm garage floor so he let them in. After a nice sleep in, it was time to enjoy a warm crackling fire, Christmas music and coffee with baileys.

Shaina was up late and got ready to got shopping with Brandon in the city at 12:30. She works tonight and will be staying over at Emily's. In the morning they head to Kelowna to snow board until Wednesday staying at a friends condo.

Britt drove to work just before 3 with Sheldon riding shotgun, they also took Kaylin's long awaited cookies to meet her before she works. Once back he and I watched Magic Mike (which was disappointing other than the dance scenes!) then The Dark Knight Rises after our scrumptious steak supper. It was very good.

Britt was done work at 9:30 so again back to town to get her and then we watched Pitch Perfect. again a cute movie. Stouts arrived just after midnight to pick up Chanel

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