Sunday, December 2, 2012

587 - softly snowing sunday

Day 587 was a softly snowing Sunday. Everyone slept in until 9:30 or later. I started the fire that burned all day, put on the Christmas music and Sheldon made coffee then he read by the fire. I set up the new tree and put away items so I could start decorating.
 hard to believe but it indeed was set up in 1 minute including lit up but needed fine tuning to be fantastic

Sheldon put up some lights outside on front deck only to find many burnt out so had to redo them. He alternated from in front of the fire with his book to putting up a few lights as it was fairly brisk out!

Shaina was up at 11 and ran to do her dog sitting. Then she did her graduation thank you cards and we sorted photos to go with them. Before supper she cleaned out her car as well as a friends car. {not mine though :-(  }

I took Britt to work at 3 and grabbed more thank you cards and Christmas booze before retuning home. Back at the ranch I made my chocolate shortbread pinwheel dough and put in fridge to chill overnight. I also worked on the blog and our Christmas letter. For supper I put in a roast chicken.Yummy!

Shaina ran to town stopping to care for the dogs she is sitting again then to town to have Travis help her sharpen her snow board before grabbing Britt from work at 10 and bringing her home. Sheldon had a tub later even taking his book, must be enjoying it as reading at night is like a sleeping pill for him. But he did end "catch a predator" month as Amanda coined.

*note the reading glasses draw from the handle bar mustache

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