Saturday, December 15, 2012

600 - party number two

Day 600 was a lazy day, Mom was my wake up call at nine to a sunshine start to the day. Kaylin was up soon after with Lexi not getting much sleep after getting home at 5 am from work. We visited while the dogs played in front of the fire with a cup of coffee and baileys. Finally after rousting a few times Shaina joined us around noon. It was then sequence game time until we all had to get ready for party number two and work.

 Lexi playing and snuggling
 then having a great play day with Coco
 trying on her new winter boots to go outside with the other dogs and her poncho

Sheldon ran to pickup Britt at 3, back home to get ready. Kaylin was sweet enough to do my makeup and Shaina touched up my hair. Pretty lucky to have these talented ladies helping me out. Britt was in charge of dogs for the evening and catching up on her TV shows and relaxing.
Sheldon ironing shirt number 2.. I do think he has missed his calling , he was trained young then must have forgot

We drove in to town at 4 dropping Shaina at  Roadhouse to work a Christmas party then ventured on to a co-workers house for a drink before the actual party at the Travelodge. The supper and evening was a complete blast. It turned out to be a very entertaining and social evening. We ended up at the Station with Kaylin as our waitress. She did a very good job keeping us hydrated. Shaina was there as well, she caught a ride with Kaylin after she was finished at 4. Stouts dropped us off around 2:30, thanks guys!

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