Friday, December 21, 2012

606 - last day of school & Mom's bday

Day 606 is my Mom's 65th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM, we love you!! When I called her the sun was shining yet she said snowing in Oyen. There are storms apparently allover cancelling flights and causing havoc, hope they stay away from us.
Britt was off on the bus bright and early for her last day of school before the 2 week vacation. She works after school.
Shaina, Sheldon and I loaded up and headed to town at 11:20. Shannon headed home. We dropped Sheldon at doctor ( for hearing issues) then took the food bank donations in from my work. We had quite a few bags and $300 cash, some of it will be matched via the employees. I also grabbed a few more books at the library. A quick stop to my work to print a page then off to our dental appointments at noon. I was having a cleaning and Shaina the last fill required. She took a little longer so I ran to the quaint store across the street that sells lots of neat stuff, Hidden Secrets. It was the first time I was in there, I enjoyed it. I purchased my Himalayan sea salt with Italian herbs and cant wait to try it.
Once all were done we made a stop to get a hot tea (Shaina via a straw) then we all stopped for a warming tan before grabbing yet more groceries before heading home. Shaina needed to get ready for a hot date tonight and by 3 we were off to the city.

Our first stop was at the trailer repair place to grab her helmet and racquet then we made or last stop at Big Rock. It is sad to see the program close down over neighboring farmers bickering. I ran into Costco to grab more graduation 5X7 prints then we spent some time in Ashley Furniture checking out dining table sets while waiting for Lesley to get home from her vets.

table one called larchmont both Sheldon and Shaina liked best , it is solid wood in its favor but more rustic and more variegated

table two called holloway, I liked best, it is darker, 3 inches wider adn 6 inches longer but looks richer however it is veneer

above is the neat arm chair with it, so comfy

We arrived at her place just after 5 and spent a little over an hour discussing Shaina's trip and picking up some host gifts from the club. She was also presented her trophy for horse of the year!

I love Lesley's coffee table, it follows the style I want for the front room
By now it was just after 6:30 so we dropped Shaina at  Chinook mall to do some returns before Brandon picked her up for their date at Cactus Club. Sheldon and I headed to the Keg and surprisingly managed to get in very quickly for a Friday night before Christmas. Was a delicious meal we had.

Sheldon enjoying his ceasar and my cranberry daiquiri
wheat and dairy free Sheldon inhaled the bread and butter even mopping it out to last morsel, below is the special, 8 oz sirloin with lobster, scallop and prawn, YUMMY!

Britt text during the meal she could not stay at Brooke's tonight so needed picking up. We ventured home, unloaded and I ran to town to pick her up when she finished about quarter after 10.

It seems the storm never did arrive although it was brisk out. Shaina text they stopped at the casino and her $20 playing blackjack turned her $150! She was most pleased and quit while ahead. Brandon dropped her off at 11.

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