Monday, December 3, 2012

588 - Asher & snowboarding day

Day 588 had a few early awakenings, Shaina was up and off by 5:30 am to tend to her dog job before meeting Travis in town. From there they would pickup Kaylin at North Hill mall and head to Lake Louise to snowboard. Sheldon was up next at 6 and off to work then Britt at 7 to get on the bus by 7:30. Whew, finally I headed back to sleep before getting up at 9.

Asher arrived around 9:30  followed by the Garage door repairman. He had it fixed quickly and was off. Asher was entertained by new toys I brought in and his usual old favorites. I worked on the Christmas photo collage when I could and wrote a few more cards too.
 on his own he fetched up a dish and spoon and crawled up on the stool to "eat"
 outside the hoar frost was shining bright

In his and Coco's room he was busy.. and not sleeping! she supervised him for over an hour below is his fake sleeping which I was wise too :-)
 I finally had to lay with him to get him to have his nap at 1:45 then I stained the shelf for the half bath. I also put up my favorite part of Christmas decorations, my angel mantle. I have many special angels given to me by friends and family and I treasure them all. Asher slept only an hour so was up and it was playtime again.

Asher loves a good photos shoot, these are a couple of his cheese or should I say ketchup faces
the barn animals enjoying his snack of grapes and cheese

He was excited Brittany was home from school on the bus. He showed her his talent of rolling the pool balls then played both up and downstairs while she watched TV and I threw on some chili and set up the nativity set.

Sheldon enjoyed a refreshment when home form work along with a bowl of chili before he went to town for his 6 pm massage.

Amanda arrived to pickup Asher around 6:30, Britt and I ate quick then too. Sheldon got home around 8:30 from not one but 2 massages, seems he had a reiki after a regular massage!! Merry Christmas Sheldon!

Shaina got home at 9:30 after her snowboarding day and dog care. Sheldon and I read, he finished his book even.

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