Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spirits visit the ranch

It was completely fogged in when I let H out at 2:30 am and softly snowing and a bit foggy when I awoke early after 7. The fog made some pretty impressive hoar frost. Time for Instagram and crosswords then a coffee and a couple more while S started a new book; Richest Man in Babylon. Today is Britt's last day at Moore's! A quick shower then I then finished setting up the downstairs computer while S watched sports and chatted with a fellow for a bit. I was catching up marketing when a message came in for an Etsy sale!! It was the carved trinket box. I got it packaged up with a small box S pulled from the recycling then created the shipping label. Great timing seeing we are on our way to town in the hour.

We headed to town after 11 with first stop to drop off hydraulic ram for new hoses. A quick stop to grab a small decor piece then S at the hockey arena after 11:30 for his noon skate. I then took my Etsy parcel to the post office and a quick loop thru Walmart to grab a couple things. There were some super pretty orchids and fiddle leaf fig plants. I was so tempted but the weather is not conducive to leave in car.

Light snowfall continued off and on all day. I was off to Dad's only to find him in a deep sleep from when Amanda tucked him in after breakfast. I sat in his room and perused Instagram, chatted with a staffer and visitor and made a call to the Festool guy with questions. 

Before picking up Sheldon I went thru the drive thru to get us a beverage and loaded bowl. I got the chicken and S the new steak one. I was able to eat some of mine while waiting at the door for him then tasted his once in. I am not a chipotle steak fan so made a good choice. On our route home he dropped some of Scott's stuff sent to him in error from camp, I grabbed my paint parcel then S grabbed the hydraulic ram that was finished.

We were back to the ranch after 2. I took H out with me to feed Bird, put hers and Timba's blankets on then take H for a walk. I had her run up on the snowbank at the winter pasture gate to take a picture and at that exact time the gate opened. There was nothing there... spooky. I called S to see if he pressed any buttons perhaps at the house but no answer although I heard a faint hello!! Harley booked it for the house ahead of me, some guard dog leaving me alone with the spirits. :)

hoar frost .. just need sunshine to make it sparkle

H reacting to the gate opening as she climbed the snow pile

Back at the garage S was working on his hydraulics then took it to put on the skid steer. I opened my paint parcel expecting a new gold leaf product but not this order so I gave the hardware a coat of gold rub and buff starting with one tone then moving to another. Dad had some issues at his place after waking and it seems they did not feed him his lunch as planned. Luckily it was 20 minutes to 4 so I called Peggy who went over early to help him out, she is an amazing gal to have on our team. 

It started to snow again when I came in from the garage. S pushed some snow testing his blade before coming in as I was working on computer stuff. We had a cold beer and leftovers for supper. Time for a hot tub which turned out to be a bit brisk with the wind picking up and falling snow. It was still a bit light out at 6:40 but soon dark. My head had a pile of snow accumulated on it when I came in to shower off. This is after being inside for 5 minutes trying to find my phone.

S hit the TV room for his Flames game after his shower. I caught up yesterday and todays blog then crawled into bed at 8 to read. I changed my mind and watched Outlander instead. I heard a couple cheers from the TV room so went down and watched the last half of the 3rd period and the OT. Sadly they lost but it was a good game. Dave was lucky enough to be there to see his Bruins win. I then came back up and finished season 6 of Outlander then read a wee bit before lights out.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Little table sold!

The week started early with a crossword then I got coffee brewing. S brought a coffee in to us while he perused his news. B had sent stretches for H which I tried and think they might help her limp. I was stoked to find a message wanting to buy the kids table, YEAH!!

I worked on sanding the dining table top. S went out to putz a bit in shop. The dresser had some areas filled, sanded and touched up before I came in for lunch.

the table runners had salve added 

After lunch S chatted with a irrigation salesman to get details and costs for a system for an hour while I worked on new tutorials. After he was done I set up the old computer for him downstairs to work on seeing his work laptop is null and void.

We then took H for a walk after getting Bird in the close paddock and pushing the gate closed thru all the snow. Our walk looped us thru deep snow with Timba following us for a bit. We looped back around to open the gate and grab the feed tub. Back at the house it was time for a cold beer. S had his on the deck with H and I inside getting the downstairs computer upgraded to windows 10.

S then got his book and laid on couch to read while I went to garage and painted a 3rd coat on the dresser. This time I tried a roller but not sure I like it. After washing up brushes I came in and put supper of salmon and roasted veggies in the oven. I did computer work upstairs and down after supper while S read and watched hockey. He did venture out for a hot tub then back to the hockey. I had crawled into bed to read for the night.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Another table underway

It is promising out weather wise when I let H out at 7:15 and it is only -8. We had coffee early with crosswords for me and internet news peruse for S. I then got to work on some tutorials and marketing while S chatted with a friend on the phone. I had kicked the cats outside after feeding them so he walked out to open their barn door and scoop some poop while on the phone.

The accent table was staged for a few pics then tucked under a table to dry.

The table top was covered in stripper and while it soaked I went out and took off Timba’s and Bird’s blankets off and drug them back. The table top was scraped then I had S come help me carry it to the wash area where I scrubbed and cleaned it on all sides. So much craft paint and gunk on the underside too. I also scrubbed up the dresser hardware too.

We had a variety of leftovers for lunch. All very tasty choices. I got back to working on my kids table tutorial nearly completing. I also was helping Mom try and see the relatives on the 23 & Me family tree. S relaxed in the sunshine in big brown.

B and coop arrived as I was chatting to Mom around 1:30. She went and fed Bird at the winter pasture gate. I headed out to paint the dresser top and top drawer I forgot along with the drawer edges. I then moved on to scraping the table top S lifted back onto he work table before he went out to work on his fuel tank. It is a beauty plus 1 out with loads of sun.

B was then off to town and S came in to nap and peruse his phone in big brown. I came in once done to do a crossword and drink a Fresca. B was back with a plant pot for her fiddle leaf I rejuvenated for her. We wrapped it up seeing the temps are dropping below freezing again and it headed home with her and Coop at 4. S left for the Jr hockey team game in town before 4:30 as I was sorting details on our travel credit. I then moved onto plant care; watering, pruning and transplanting my money tree into the pot B's fiddle was in.

I then concentrated on finishing the kids table set tutorial and did all the sharing too. It is now -10 at 6 pm and the sun is starting to set. Very glad the days are getting longer. The wind however started to pick up. S was home at 6:45, put the cats away as I started supper. It was his fav sausage and KD with veggies. After eating he grabbed his Trump book and read on the couch while I read in bed. Kinda nice to have a quiet Sunday night of reading.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cold snap eases a bit

It was -18 when we awoke which would usually be cold but today I am thinking the horses feel like they are in heaven. I changed it up and did a crossword to start the day with my coffee. H was fed late as it was consuming. S perused his news with his coffee.

I painted the dresser a coat of warm white. S took a break from his internet news to take H for a walk. Before coming in for lunch I added a 3rd coat of stain oil on the accent table that was lightly sanded.

Lunch we created tasty salads and a open faced bacon tomato sandwich. I got to work on the computer doing photos and updating my furniture spreadsheet when I saw an email my DNA results were complete. It was -10 when S headed to town at 1:30 to visit a friend while I was excitedly going thru my 23 & Me results. Mom called to help fill out details and dates while we talked for an hour.

My top health issues, are you surprised? I was not

and my second was not a surprise either

I headed out to give the horses the beet pulp and it is now -6. After Timba was done I called him as I put out satellite piles of hay around the big roll out and took him over to the pit where another bale is rolled out. Of course the horses came over and decided to eat my piles!! I took off all but Bird's blanket and drug them all the way back. I have my workout for the day.

Inside I was back to my paint project. I sanded the dresser then started painting the smaller areas with a small brush. I was finishing that up when S was back after 4:30. I used a bigger brush to finish the wide flat surfaces and left it to dry. S brought us a tea so came in to drink it and work on todays blog.

For supper I airfried fish and chips while working on more crosswords with S help as he watched hockey. It turned out good, the fries were crispy with my extra time on the puzzle. After supper we braved the now -13 to have a hot tub. It has been quite some time since we have had one but after the initial cold getting there it was enjoyable.

After a shower and shave S was off to TV room to watch his Flames and I to market & blog. I did join him for a short bit then was off to bed to watch some Outlander. He was up after his sports read for a short bit then off to sleep, goodnight Irene!

Friday, February 24, 2023

MINUS 32 to start the day!!

MINUS 32 upon waking but a beauty sunrise, B was up and starting her car at 7:45. I got coffee on and she and I had a short visit before she was off to her condo after 8. She is trying to catch a notorious mouse but no luck. Her new tenants are doing walk thru and getting keys at 9.

S made his way out for coffee and breakfast. I had him do the first few assignments out of my recent book then I got onto computer work and he his laptop. I went to the garage and FINALLY stain oiled the accent side table after the last of the hand sanding.

S went out to shovel the walk then helped me lift the latest table picked up onto my work table. I used the scraper and shop vac to get the craft paint all off.

For lunch S cooked bacon and I made us spinach salads to go with the toasted bacon and tomato sandwiches. Full on sun all day but only -27 when I ran the horses their beet pulp after eating.

I went out to the garage to start a new project; the big dresser was chosen. After removing hardware and cleaning inside and out I found the drawers all wanky. S came out from his rest in big brown to sort recyclables as they are overflowing again and he helped bend a couple drawer sliders too, thanks. I had to shim a couple drawers to fit best and shape the worst bent slide to get it working. 

The top drawer was gungy inside so once dry it was power sanded.

S took the dogs for a quick walk at 3:30 and -22 still feels very cold. They all headed back inside to get warm with H staying out with me patiently waiting for her supper. I started researching dewalt's hepa dust collector system but it is as pricey as the festool.

S chopped meat as I chopped onions and got the stroganoff cooking along with pasta. It was yummy and used up a few things. We ate while S watched hockey. B arrived before 7 to have her share and celebrate her renters moving in and passive income beginning. She also has 2 more work days. We visited for a bit then she and Cooper headed for the hills after 7:30. I went out and put a second stain oil coat on the table after a light sanding then back in to finish the blog then to bed to read.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Polar vortex continues even colder

The days are getting longer and I am waking earlier. It is blasted cold at -28 but the sun is out. Same start to the day here with Mom heading into Dad's at about 9:45. Time for some marketing and news peruse before S took off for town at 11. He has a full day ahead with a dental cleaning and exam, lab work, hockey and a WID meeting in hopes of getting irrigation.

I painted the little chair a coat of blue to match the table and added yet another clear coat on the table as not a fan of the streaks so applied circular like water. Beet pulp was made when I scrubbed up the brush. Seeing the car was gone I swept the dirty floor up.

I brought in the side table to decide on a stain color. It seems there is nothing in my current paint company options so need to decide on something else.

I had a telephone appointment with our naturopath Dr Tim at 12:30. I made a spinach fruit salad for lunch and chatted with Candace about visiting and play plays. I ate the salad after our chat then back out to put a wax coat on the table but it did not change the swirls. It is now after 2 so H and I went out to feed the horses beet pulp. It looks nice out with the sun but man it was biting into the skin in minutes at -25 no wind. H limped back to the house holding up alternate legs.

Inside a second coat of blue went on the chair and when dry hauled it in to stage. Then it was time to get photos edited, watermarked and the blog caught up. Sharon and Darren popped out after 4 to put a new blanket on Timba. Sheldon arrived home at 4:45 as they were finishing up. They came to the house and Sharon visited inside while S and D went to load some pallets he needed to borrow.

I prepped veggies to roast then put a cross rib roast in the instant pot with a new recipe. While it naturally depressurized the veggies went in then all were ready at the same time. This roast recipe was too rare for my liking so we cut of the outside and cooked it longer. S had hockey on of course so I worked on tutorials then headed to bed to read after 8. 

B was out at 9:30 to drop Cooper, grab tools and head to her condo to hang blinds. She ended up short blinds and could not find any at Walmart so did what she could. She is also trying to trap a mouse so took more PB along. I popped down to watch the end of the Flames game with S which went into OT with a loss. He came up to do our evening meditation we are trying to implement at 10:30 then both tried to sleep with Cooper at our feet. B made it back after 11:30 to hit the sheets for the night.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dam cold

I got coffee on just after 8 waking Mom. It was a usual start to the -25 day with she and S making porridge and visiting. I jumped in the shower just before she was off to Dad's before 10. Mom was back not long after bringing 3 boxes of Sheldon's stuff that was couriered from work, THANKS Mom. S and I had our 10 am zoom meeting with Britt popping out after 10:30. She was here to meet her carpet cleaner for 10 who was a no show and a no return call answer kinda guy, BOO :(

Switch hanging out with Timba who got himself in the middle paddock overnight

After we all called around for other options she went with renting a rug doctor at Rona and set off to get it done leaving Coop. S started going thru his boxes and I went out to start work on the little chair that goes with the kids table. It was peeled, sanded, cleaned and given a coat of primer.  At noon I ran out to toss hay in the waterer area and walk Timba out of the middle paddock he got himself into and not out of. Lunch was leftovers for S (lasagna/soup) and I (soup). Snow started to fall softly again.

S finished his unpacking then hit the couch for his after dinner nap while I caught up the blog. Time to go put another coat of primer on the chair. I popped back in to message Kristie who might be interested in the kids table for Oyen library and S was reading. I asked if he might finish putting all this clothes and treasures away in case Stouts popped in after seeing Timba later. He also ran the vacuum around then back to reading. I hauled the kids table back out and put another clear coat on the top after a light sanding.

The snow let up again. A fellow stopped to buy a poker set before 3:30. I worked on tutorials and S continued reading his super thick book. B was out before 5, she went and fed all the horses beet pulp while I cooked up taco meat after making my homemade spices. S chopped veggies after he pet H while B trimmed her toenails. We enjoyed out tacos then B and Cooper were off for the mountains at 6:30.

Mom arrived not long after and had a bowl of soup and hot tea to warm up. She and I worked on my trauma book homework while S watched hockey of course. She and I each headed to bed after 9. I read and worked on more of my book.