Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Shaina comes for supper

Cool -10 but sun when I made coffee and enjoyed one with a game on my iPad after feeding H. S was up a bit later to have his then onto his news reading. I edited and watermarked photos and got the blog caught up. Marketing was next before I headed out to the garage. I did touchups on the table top adding wood filler, stain pen in areas and glued/clamped an edge that caught. Then it was time to start cleaning the garage as I have a paint class for 3 coming up soon. S let the cats out late morning and gave H a bison leg.

I came in for lunch, the other half of the qt of borscht, thanks Ma K XOXO S had more homemade pork and beans and goulash from last night while catching the news. I headed back out and he came to join me to help clean the far corner of the garage where I store wood and projects. We got it all cleaned up and a space set for a new freezer for the bison burger coming in February.

S snapped this pic while at hot tub task

S took a break from this chore to clean the hot tub filters and he fed the horses the food I had mixed. He then headed inside for a wee rest. I posted mirrors for free and end tables for sale then gave the entire dining table a second coat of stain finishing oil. I finished up then came in to prep veggies while S prepped the steaks Shaina requested.

Shaina arrived at 4 with a stop at the shop to fill her tires, S met her there to help then they were in. S poured cold beverages into plastic cups and we were off to soak in the hot tub in the golden hour. 

After a quick rinse I got the roasted veggies going in the air fryer, S started BBQ before his shower/shave then cooked them up. Fog rolled in once again. We enjoyed a most tasty supper. S was off to his rodeo meeting after 6 with Shaina packing up and off to train Sharon and head back to the city when done after 6:30. I wrote todays blog and worked on tutorials until I headed to bed to read. S was home at 10 after meeting and their bar stop for beer and wings.

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