Monday, January 9, 2023

Another dining table started

Somber overcast Monday upon waking early at 7 but tossing and turning till after 8. I made coffee and perused Instagram. Sagewood called before 9 saying Dad had a fall but no injuries thank goodness. I updated Mom and Amanda then got on to marketing.

After 10 a stucco guy stopped out to assess our south end. He was confident no damage to the scratch coat or house, just need to patch the areas. Once he left S got online figuring if he could do this part now feeling good with no worries.

Kaylin had her new sign installed today, looks awesome!!

I had S help me haul up the desk for pick up this afternoon. Of course there was a mark center top that had me touching up paint an clear coat. He perused the internet and had a call to his bison butcher admin gal that always takes awhile.

I published the art deco cabinet tutorial and got it shared and sent to paint company. It also went to the carbide scraper rep who is sending me one of the multi shaped head scrapers, yeah!

Potted some succulent pieces I chopped apart on Sunday. I offered a bison liver Mom was unable to use from last year to A gal I had given a pile of frozen meat to in the past. I also found out she loved to paint but was trying to do on zero budget so I gave her a box full of Fusion paint I had seeing I have so much Dixie Belle The sun was out now so S and I walked H and She met us at the gate. She gave a bag of venison pieces and a box of homemade canned goods as a thank you gift. There was zucchini relish, unstuffed cabbage rolls, pork and beans, apple butter, crab jelly and burrito filling all in qt sealers, wow!

We ate the last of the Chinese food for lunch then S was going to hook up the cargo trailer but decided he should fill with fuel first. The desk gal (Sharon’s cousin) arrived as he was heading out so he helped her load and headed to town. She visited till about 2:30 then was off.

S back home before 3 not long after she left. I had him help me lift the antique table top I had glued the edge on p onto my work table then he hooked up the trailer and filled tires etc. I started scraping it and think it may be our next dining table. Britt and Coop were out after 3:30 with the day off. She unloaded bags of food, fed horses and was off by 4 as Sheldon was heading out to the hot tub. I finished ordering my groceries having to call in for the promo coupon yet again and as well as an online issue.

I tried out the air fryer cooking boneless chicken thighs which turned out yummy. Peas and pasta were made with it for a tasty supper. S was back online and watching sports. In the garage I wiped out the fridge freezer then both it and the stand up freezer outside. The 2 chest freezers were organized to make room for our bison cuts. I then finished scraping the table top after S helped me take it back down and scrub the back side then put back on work table. The center had a wee lifted veneer area that was glued and clamped as well. I finished up the scraping at 9. Time for a hot tub soak for me now as S was watching hockey.

When I came in he had a chargrilled cheese on the go. He tried the new zucchini relish with it and really liked. I grabbed an orange after my rinse then wrote the blog in bed then read my book.

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