Sunday, January 29, 2023

Passing of our Pepper

It was Arctic cold still at -22 when I awoke. I let Mom, Amanda and Sharon know our sad news. It is surreal each and every time we lose a part of our ranch family and so very sad. Pepper would be 24 this year and has been with us almost 20 years. He was the "been there done that" horse, willing to try any sport (excelling at cowboy challenge and trail rides with his curious non flappable personality), safely pack around any riding ability (can not count the rides he has given), no bad vices and as he aged, his at times spunky personality was indeed part of his character. He will leave a huge gap in the herd being the ladies man he was and in all our hearts being such an all round trusty steed. I will be doing a memory post for him ASAP, 20 years of photos takes a bit of time.

I did my saliva test for my 23 & Me kit and got it all boxed up. Coffee and writing the blog were my morning tasks while S perused the internet. Shaina FaceTimed as she was involved last night via texts and calls and wanted to chat. A lady stopped at 11 to buy a vintage foot stool arranged last week. 

After making us lunch S bundled up and took the skid steer that he brought over after warming up to roll a bale and I headed to town. I dropped my test at the drugstore mail outlet then headed to Dad's at 1:30. Mom headed to Amanda's for a bath and something to eat. Dad slept for most of my time there but we did get a few visits in. When mom returned after 3:30 with a tea and muffin, I helped her register her DNA kit. Dad was now up and on the move so they walked me to the door at 4:15. I swung by and picked up Britt then returned the belt sander quick and we headed to the ranch.

S had plowed the road and a spot in the pet cemetery and finished trouble shooting the gate power. He was now inside watching football. B mixed Bird's food and some for the other 3 in this dang cold snap and we went out. I opened the big shop door and let the horses come in to say goodbye to Pepper as they continue to hang outside the shop. Switch had a cut on her leg in 2 places so I caught her and B got warm water, washed it and applied a gel, THANKS B. S parked the skid steer inside for the night and back to his game. 

chestnut Pepper sunset

When we pulled in the garage Stella ran out so I had to go track her down and bring her back in after feeding H. This was the sunset I enjoyed while getting her in the frigid temps. I also made up more food dishes before coming in to start supper. B peeled potatoes for me and I got the chicken cooking. Good old creamed chicken is always high on S's list so he was happy. We ate without Dave as he was still sleeping from his afternoon nap. S was back to the TV room for football, B had a nap to on the couch as I caught up the blog loading concert videos. 

Dave was out around 7:30 finally waking from his extended nap - they raced last night in Edmonton in -31 with the wind chill and did not get home to after B did. He ate then joined S in the TV till then loaded up and headed home at 8:30. After finishing up my computer work I crawled into bed to read as did S starting a new book when he came up from sports TV. I shut out my light after 9 as it has been a sleepless last week. S was not long behind me.

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