Wednesday, January 25, 2023

B resigns

Tea for me and coffee for the boss then today I coached him at making instant oatmeal which he added fresh blueberries and banana for a great start to the day. I had toast and apple butter. I was happy to see the deposit arrive for the desk this am. My goal today was to get items together for a local couple who run a homeless outreach program. I sorted a box of clothes Shaina had into summer/winter and then went thru my drawers adding items. Moving to toiletries I sorted a pile from Kaylin's generous past Sephora life along with many new makeup bags to distribute the hotel sized stuff in. While I was under the sink I had S tighten a loose tap handle as he whipped the vacuum around.

I mixed up a batch of magnesium spray; another task on my list. After lunch I moved to the coat closet gathering a pile of gloves then had S go thru this bins to add more to the winter wear pile. I cleaned it all out while in there too. Peggy called while I was scrubbing with Dad having a super agitated lunch and not wanting to eat. She hoped I could run in quick but as we were chatting the gals got him cleaned up. I was back to my closet purge when the nurse called asking for me to come in as he was still very agitated and they hoped I could help calm him to give meds. S and I jumped in the car and raced in only to find him sound asleep. This was a good thing as it means they did not need to "medicate" him. Chatting with nurse we decided to leave him sleep and they would call back if need be.

We quickly picked up Cooper to take to the ranch seeing it was now a nice sunny plus 4 day. S had a zoom doctor appointment at 2:30 which we would not make it home for so we went to Walmart. He took his call in the car while I grabbed cat food and a few other things. We drove thru Tim's on our way home to get a tea arriving back at the ranch after 3. I wanted to get the rest of the donation items together so went thru the huge stack of pillows we have. This pile is just the extras that have gone flat or lumpy.

While I fed the horses and walked the dogs S scooped some poop around the yard. I looped our walk back to pic up the tubs and open the gate then fed the dogs and medicated H's eye while S put the old mattress cover and 2 of the pillows in the cat house and tossed the rest. We loaded the pillows and last of the donations and were off to town before 4:30. 

Dad was moving around the dining room but I convinced him to sit and eat his supper. He was not in the mood for talking so just ate and took his meds in the yogurt. Then S helped me get him into his wheelchair and we took him out of his unit and around the floor for a walk and sit at a quiet end for a visit. He was not much into that as his agitated day continues. When he fell asleep I wheeled him back to Namaka TV room, locked the brakes and chatted with the nurse before we left to let her know his brakes were on and was napping.

S and I then went for supper at the Roadhouse; he went with the baked lasagna and I the spinach salad and both getting the $6.50/10 wings deal. Let's say we were STUFFED by the end. When we came out to the car we found it raining, on January 25!!! We dropped the donations off at the drop spot on a sheltered deck then headed home. Arriving back at the ranch at 7 I sent the dogs out with S to put cats away then in to watch.. you guessed it a hockey game. I caught up the blog after putting a 2nd coat of clear stain oil on the leaf. B and D stopped out after 8:30 to pick up Cooper, she gave her resignation today during her work review. It is now official, she is no linger a Moore's vet tech at the end of February. After a short visit they were off for home.

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