Monday, January 16, 2023

Day 2 fogged in

We awoke to day 2 of the fogged in weather. H fed and coffee as usual then I did marketing and back out to sand the table pedestals. I did call out my volunteer apprentice mid morning to help with the task.

I popped the new ball catch in the art deco cabinet

We stopped for lunch and had the unstuffed cabbage rolls for lunch compliments of the gal I gave paint too. It was very tasty, thank you! Then we went back to our sanding stations.

Mom popped out after lunch after 1 to pick up some mattress pads and brought us a chai tea. THANK. YOU!! We had a visit then she loaded up the mattress carton and was back to see Dad who has spent the whole day sleeping after he was given meds at 4 am, poor guy.

S and I were back to sanding then he took H for a walk in the frosty foggy air and took these pics above. Once back I made the horse food and he and H went and fed the 2 horses while I continued On the table project. I tried white stain on the one area and hated it, tried under a leg and hated it still so wiped all off. When back in I fed H then tried bleaching the black area - BAD IDEA. S went in to have a nap.

Time to stop the table project and come in to catch up the blog. We ate the leftovers from last night, man is that a good meal!! S hit big brown to watch his Flames on laptop as not on TV and simultaneously a football game on TV while I did accounting. He snapped some frost pictures when he went out to put cats to bed during an intermission. We learned on the news that the frost during the fog is called rime frost vs hoar frost that forms in clear bright cold weather. I then wrote a tutorial for the charcoal mens valet and started the desk/vanity tutorial before retiring to bed to read after 9:30.

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