Friday, November 11, 2022

Remembrance Day

Hooray!! Harley did not go outside or to garage during the night. She did get up a few times and move from bed to bed and come check in on us. I rewarded her with breakfast before 8!! Unfortunately, I awoke with a headache ;( Back in bed I played a few games while S made coffee and delivered us one in bed. Then we came out to the kitchen where he got on his laptop and I on computer to get marketing going with second cup. I wrote a Hometalk post for the tile art that was featured in their daily emails today.

B and Cooper were out mid-morning, I bundled up and went to help take off blankets off and put in barn. I dumped the box of frozen apples for them then she fed and was off for home having the day off work again for Remembrance Day. S got the filters flushed and chemicals added to the tub along with a new zorbie. Back inside, I got the jewelry box scrubbed up, scuff sanded and wiped again ready to paint. After making S a salad I started painting it at the island watching the news. I also added more filler to the bottom and let dry.

I ate the last bowl of soup, once done 2 coats of paint went on the jewelry box as S had a nap. When awake, he went outside so H and I went out too and we went for a walk in the -4 sunshine. Back at the house he loaded H up and his hunting gear and they set off to scout the area just before 3. I distressed the jewelry box and went to sand the filler but it was not dry and most was knocked off so had to redo again. I was cutting it the transfers and deciding placement when the hunter returned at 4 seeing nothing but cows. I put a roast in the oven for supper and worked on today's blog while he perused the online news.

Veggies were chopped and prepped and thrown in the oven to roast while I added the first transfer inside the jewelry box. S took the cats wet food and locked up then carved the roast once back in. It was a good supper but roast a bit chewy, slow cooker always more tender. After supper S relaxed in big brown with laptop and sports as I washed up pots, caught up the blog and got photos ordered online.

We went out for a hot tub after 8 then I was off to bed to start my new book picked up at the library; Daughters of the Deer. I read almost half of it before shutting the light out around 11. S had finished up his online viewing and to sleep at 10:30.

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